For all the attention paid to the 1.9% drop in PIMCO's $293 billion Total Return Fund in the month of May following one of the worst months for bonds in a long while, perhaps a far more important question is what happens when one mixes the world's largest actively managed, fixed income portfolio, that of the $3.4 trillion hedge fund located at 33 Liberty Street, and its DV01 of over $2.5 billion, with the 46 bps move in the 10 year in the month of May, and gets a P&L of ($115) billion, or double the said hedge fund's total capital.
The hedge fund in question is of course the Federal Reserve Bank. While no LPs, aka taxpayers will be concerned at the biggest ever monthly "loss" of 3.5% just yet, because it is simply on "paper", at what point will that most precious of central bank commodities - fiath that the bald man behind the curtain knows what he is doing - start running in short supply? And, even worse, how long before the Fed has to start paying ever more and more reserve interest to the same banks (the majority of which are foreign) so reviled for being bailed out in the first place, until one day, it goes cash flow negative and has to request a bailout from the US Treasury and thus, the US people? |
Abuse in Muslim culture
The Quran’s description of women as inferior to and the property of men not only removes womens’ basic human rights; it also influence men’s view of them. As a result, Muslim cultural traditions have for centuries treated women as second class citizens, forced to marry and have sex with men against their will, and living under a constant death threat should they dishonor their family by violating the misanthropic Sharia laws.
The brutal treatment of innocent young girls may be shocking to those who do not know how women are treated in Muslim countries, but it would be naive to think that people change their habits and views and raise their children to integrate into what in their eyes are blasphemous customs just because they cross a national border.
The statistics speak for themselves. Research suggests that 91 percent of the between7,000 and 20,000 honor killings each year are committed by Muslims. On top of this statistic come the countless cases of non-deadly honor crimes. In Britain alone, the police estimate that 17,000 cases of honor-based “forced marriages, kidnappings, sexual assaults, beatings and even murders take place every year.” In Turkey, 42 percent of women are victims of physical or sexual abuse. In Morocco, the share is 82 percent. In Egypt, 99.3 percent of women have experienced sexual harassment. Etc.
Infidel women
Another factor contributing to the Muslim rape wave is the fact that Muhammed, if he ever lived, allowed Muslims to take infidel women as their sex slaves. Using female prisoners of war for sexual gratification dates 1,400 years back to their prophet, who had a large number of sex slaves and advised his male followers to imitate his example.
While a Muslim husband can divorce at any time by repeating the word “talaq” three times, a married Muslim woman is her husband’s de facto slave, since she can not divorce unless a Sharia council approves her wish and sets her free. If she leaves without being allowed, her risk of getting killed is as high as the killer’s chance of remaining unpunished for fulfilling his culture’s and God’s expectations on how to treat women who leave a marriage without being allowed to.
A psychologically unhealthy religion
One does not have to be a psychologist to know what such a culture does to men’s view of women. No grown-up man would ever consider having sex with minors, and certainly not against her will, drugged, beaten and threatened with death.
But what we are talking about here are not normal men, but males who since birth have been raised to think that women are inferior and that females who do not protect their honor by covering up are prostitutes and fair game. No man should ever wish to be subjected to such unhealthy cultural influence.
The psychological consequences of closing one’s mind to female qualities and being mentally blocked from enjoying the healing and maturing experience of loving and being loved by an equal partner is obviously devastating.
Remember, this is a religion and culture that sees no problem in men punishing female rape victims and forcing — often blood-related — couples to live together for life, pressuring them to have sex and bear children, no matter if they love each other or not. Is it surprising that a culture with such a primitive view of love and sex would produce such astonishing numbers of sexual offenders?