Now that we know the truth regarding one of the Iran deal’s side deals…that the U.N. and the IAEA will allow the 7th century barbarians of the Iranian regime to inspect their own Parchin nuclear site and use their own equipment to gather samples before submitting their own reports showing there is nothing at Parchin to worry about…it’s time to look a little deeper into this new development…or should we call it a new scandal?
For weeks, since word of side deals between Iran and the IAEA went public, concern has grown regarding the contents of those side deals.
Obama told us all that it was no big thing…routine was the language he used. He said “If Iran cheats, we’ll know it,” and that the safeguards were all in place.
Obama sock-puppet, John Kerry called the side deals…routine…and said that nothing in the deals was based on trust. In fact, his direct quote was…“Nothing in this deal is built on trust. Nothing.”
No great surprise…Obama was lying…again and also no great surprise…
So too was sock-puppet Kerry.
According to Obama town liar, Josh Earnest on June 26th 2015…
“I know there has been
a suggestion by some Republicans that there are some agreements that were cut off to the side. The fact is, this is a critical part of the agreement.”
Critical because it keeps real, international inspectors from inspecting the site where Iran has, for more than a decade, conducted their clandestine nuclear weapons research?
It would seem so.
The Obama regime, if you weren’t aware of it, had a Twitter account…@theirandeal set up to ply social media as a surrogate liar to the masses and back then, in late June, the White House employed it stating…“There’s no ‘secret’ or ‘side’ deal with Iran. Congress has everything we have on the #IranDeal”
Oh really?
That was before the Obama regime was forced to admit there were side deals…at least two that we know of…between the 7th century barbarians of the Islamic Republic and the IAEA.
National Security and Sunday Talk Show Liar, Susan Rice got into the fabrication-fest with

this tweeted statement…
“Lots of misperceptions re the #IranDeal, This is a good deal that should be judged on its merits, not distortions.”
Once the side deals were public fact, in early July…the Obama regime tried to spin them this way…telling us that they weren’t really side deals at all…rather…nothing more than standard operating procedure when international arms deals are made. But I thought they were, and are, insistent that Iran was not, nor ever have, been pursuing nuclear weapons.
The problem is…when the regime starts lying, and employing multiple people to bugle

those lies, things get confusing. Case in point…while State Department liar John Kirby was bugling that there WERE no side deals a month or two ago…National Security liar Susan Rice was bugling that the side deals were arrangements between the IAEA and Iran apart from the Kerry/Obama deal. Rice also made sure to bugle a little more…stating that the side deals were NOT secret…that the Obama regime KNEW their contents, were…”satisfied” with them and that the regime would hold classified briefings with selected members of Congress regarding those side deals.
It’s important here to point out that the Obama regime has steadfastly REFUSED to share with ANY members of congress, the actual side deals themselves and have gone so far as to make it clear, they would NOT allow any members of congress to read the deals for themselves.
So…Iran will be inspecting their own primary nuclear weapons research facility and…Obama will be telling selected members of congress what’s in the side deals. The results will be…bone-crushingly similar in both cases…Iran will tell the IAEA only what they WANT to tell the IAEA and Obama will tell selected members of congress ONLY what HE wants to tell them and the summery of both reports will be…”nothing to see here…move along.”
But all the obtuse, contradictory bugling of lies came to a sudden, thunderous end on

Wednesday afternoon when the AP revealed that they had actually seen one of the side deals…
”Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work.”
The AP continued with…”The Parchin deal is a separate, side agreement worked out between the IAEA and Iran,” and with…”Without divulging its contents, the Obama administration has described the document as nothing more than a routine technical arrangement between Iran and the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency on the particulars of inspecting the site,” followed by…”The agreement diverges from normal inspection procedures between the IAEA and a member country by essentially ceding the agency’s investigative authority to Iran. It allows Tehran to employ its own experts and equipment in the search for evidence for activities that it has consistently denied — trying to develop nuclear weapons…Olli Heinonen, who was in charge of the Iran probe as deputy IAEA director general from 2005 to 2010, said he can think of no instance where a country being probed was allowed to do its own investigation. Iran has refused access to Parchin for years and has denied any interest in — or work on — nuclear weapons. Based on U.S., Israeli and other intelligence and its own research, the IAEA suspects that the Islamic Republic may have experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms at that military facility and other weapons-related work elsewhere. The IAEA has repeatedly cited evidence, based on satellite images, of possible attempts to sanitize the site since the alleged work stopped more than a decade ago.”
My, oh my…what a tangled web Obama weaves when he lies to dec

Now here’s an interesting question…since the AP does not have to reveal their source…just how DID they get a look AT that side deal anyway?
Obviously, since Obama never wanted it seen, and since Iran threatened to KILL an IAEA inspector if HE divulged the contents of the side deals…it was leaked to the AP but…by whom?
Who has an axe to grind with Obama right now? Who’s been on the receiving end of recent leaks and who is doing her best imitation of a lathe to spin her way out of the damage certain leaks have caused?
Who was trying to hide her emails, her private email accounts and her private servers? Who has been busy deleting emails and documents from said email accounts and said servers? Who is vindictive enough to leak an unsigned copy of the side deal to the AP in

retribution for making it public knowledge that she has violated the Espionage Act of 1917?
Drip…drip…drip…my guess is that somebody obviously knows it is the Obama regime, on orders from the DNC that has most likely offered some form of protection for her right hand aide in return for outing some of those classified, top secret email transactions and she’s pissed.
Let’s face it…it would take somebody with “connections in all the right places,” such as having a (potted) plant inside the Department of State to get their hands on such a document as apparently, it takes a village to raise a leak like that.
And that leave just one last question…who really struck this and other side deals? Was it really just between the IAEA and Iran or was there possibly a third party involved?
For the best possible answer to that question, we must step back just a bit to the deadline for the Obama/Kerry deal. That being June 30th, 2015. Kerry missed that deadline. Then, it was extended by one week. That deadline was also missed. After that…another few days of deadline extension…again missed and another few days, until Jully 11th.

Oops…missed it again but finally…on July 14th…the deal was done.
Are we really supposed to believe that? Are we really, in light of all the myriad of bugling lies supposed to believe that the side deals, supposedly between the IAEA and Iran exclusively were made AFTER that?
I, for one, do not believe it.
I believe that the deal, the Kerry/Obama deal as it were, was completed either by the first or second deadline and that Iran wanted more, threatened to trash the deal unless they GOT more and Kerry, on Obama orders, then mediated the side deals between the IAEA and Iran so as not to have Obama’s fingerprints on them as those side deals, had they been in the main body of the deal, would have HAD to be made accessible to every member of congress…something Obama is refusing to do with the side deals.
Don’t get to thinking that either the deal itself or the side deals are the product of stupidity on Obama’s part. They aren’t. They are exactly what an Islamist would have wanted, insisted upon and made happen so that the 7th century barbarians of the Iranian regime would have guaranteed, unrestr

ained capabilities to develop nuclear weapons with which they would immediately threaten the very existence of our allies in the region and ultimately use to threaten the United States.
Why take 52 hostages when you can hold 315 million for ransom?
I suspect the deal AND the side deals are the direct product of the Islamist in the White House but maybe Senator Ted Cruz said it best…
“Enough of the concessions, capitulations and backroom deals that make up President Obama’s catastrophic nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The most recent revelation that Iran will be selecting its own inspectors to verify the
nature of its nuclear program is made all the more egregious by the fact that as the single largest contributor to the IAEA (support that is mandated in the deal) United States taxpayers will be paying for a farce that is a direct threat to their own security.”
“This is not a partisan issue. It is not about President Obama’s political legacy. It is about the future of our country, and that of our allies. We have to stop this disastrous deal.”
While congress can only halt our end of the deal, it would prevent Iran from raking in nearly $150 billion dollars which they would use to further their nuclear weapons programs at a facility, Parchin,

that they and only they will be monitoring and voting against the deal, then overriding Obama’s veto of that vote would send a message to our allies in the region that we, stand against Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions.
As I said in yesterday’s article, any member of congress that votes FOR this insipid and dangerous deal should be considered as having committed an act of treason and Obama…for having insisted on this deal…has already crossed that line.