Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Marc Faber Calls Bernanke A Liar, Thinks US Inflation Is Running Up To 8%

Marc Faber is on a roll these days. The Gloom, Doom and Boom report author, who recently made headlines after calling Obama a whore minutes ahead of the president's SOTU address, proceeds to go on a truthiness rampage, and with his now traditional grin, proceeds to call Satan Bernanke a "liar" to the entire CNBC Europe audience. In addition to making his thoughts clear on the topic of inflation (5-8%), he also observes where the Egyptian riots will strike next: "You may not have a problem in Saudi Arabia and in the Emirates, in Kuwait and Qatar, because there the governments can heavily subsidize food if they want to. But I am worried that what has happened in Egypt will happen in Pakistan... I think Egypt is a reminder to people that politics, and social events, and geopolitics have a meaningful effect on asset markets. The developed markets have way outperformed, and now I think that it may be a wake up call that the US outperforms emerging economies for a while." As for inflation "The annual cost of living increases are more than 5% today and the BLS is continuously lying about the inflation rate, including Mr Bernanke, he's a liar. Inflation is much higher than what they publish. I think that inflation is between 5% and 8% per annum in the US, and in Western Europe, a little bit lower, also 4-5% per annum." Oh yeah, Pakistan has nukes.

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