Thursday, June 30, 2011

Even Democrat Admits "Bewilderment" Over Bizarre Obama Press Conference

White House Press Secretary reduced to telling media Obama can in fact, "Walk and chew gum at the same time." Growing number of Republicans and Democrats remain unconvinced…

He had not held a press conference in over three months. Based on a performance roundly scorned by both media and politicians alike, perhaps President Obama’s handlers had a very good reason for keeping the president shielded from prolonged moments of open communication.

Predictably, Republicans are taking President Obama to task for offering up no solutions to the debt and economy. These same Republicans are also rebuking the president for his oft-repeated complaints that Congress needs to “get to work” in coming to an agreement on the debt ceiling crisis that is looming just a month away. To have a man who has spent 13 consecutive weekends golfing, and has only met sparingly with members of Congress over the course of several months, now demanding others “get to work” does indeed come off a bit less than…sincere.

Republicans are far from alone though in suggesting President Obama’s Wednesday press conference was a less than stellar moment for the nation’s CEO – a moment in fact when the president flubbed the age of his own daughter. A just published report in POLITICO shares the view of a senior Congressional Democrat as being “bewildered” while watching Obama’s press conference performance. This same Democrat suggested the president is living in a glass house, and would do well to cancel all future golf and vacation outings. (Obama is scheduled to leave for posh Martha’s Vineyard in the coming days for yet another vacation from a job so many even within his own political party claim he barely functions at.

Questions of Barack Obama’s abilities, or lack thereof, have reached such levels that White House Spokesman Jay Carney angrily stated to the press this week that the president can in fact “…walk and chew gum at the same time. “The laughter of the media at Carney’s remark is now suggestive of how a growing number are viewing Barack Obama himself - via the president’s inability to lead or even communicate effectively when he is not reading from a script, President Obama is now very much himself a sad punch-line.

If a new president is not elected in 2012 – the joke will ultimately be on America though…

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