Mack said that, although he cannot vote for the deal, he believes it will pass.
“I think that Speaker Boehner has done a great job of pushing this debate, bringing it back to the principles we believe in,” he said. “But at the end of the day, I can’t vote for something that is going to ensure that we are going to have over $17 trillion in debt without a real solution to cutting spending in Washington.
“The American people . . . they want a solution to the debt and deficit problem, not more gimmicks and schemes,” Mack said.
Host Joe Scarborough asked Mack what kind of a deal he could accept.
“The deal I would vote for would cut 1 percent a year for six years, cap spending at 18 percent of GDP, [and] balance the budget in eight years,” Mack said, referring to the bill he introduced in the House, the One Percent Spending Reduction Act, also known as the “Penny Plan.”
“I haven’t heard anything over the last few weeks that I could support,” he continued. “Because at the end of the day, Joe — and what I think people are failing to see here — is the problem is the debt and the deficit, and we need to get real spending cuts now.
“And when people continue to do the gimmicks and play games, that’s what frustrates the American people.”
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