Sometimes, what we know NOW as opposed to what we knew THEN can make a great deal of difference in clearing the picture.
I have suggested, for some time now, that anything this administration does, in a big way, is cover for something else. We need look no further back than a year ago to see this in what may well be its pinnacle usage.
I would also suggest, this is how Obama has painted himself into a corner.
It was one year ago, yesterday, that Obama made a big deal of releasing his “Birth Certificate.” He held a press conference. He showed it off. He said it was his, it was real and it would end any questions about it.
It was, as we know NOW, not his, not real and certainly did not end any questions about it.
Obama, it seems, didn’t take Sheriff Joe Arpaio into account.
I’ll get back to that.
The one question I asked the day he released that “birth certificate” and one that was asked by many was: Why then?
The questions of his birth certificate had swirled for years. Since 2008. During his campaign. Why, if the certificate was that available to him, did he wait 2 ½ years to release it? If he could get his hands on it in April of 2011, why couldn’t he get his hands on it in April of 2008? Why not when he received the nomination? Why not on the day before his election? The day of his
Why did he wait until April 27th 2011?
He thought he needed a distraction. Some way to focus the press on something. The press would then focus the people. Social media would be spiked with posts regarding it. He needed a distratction and…the “birth certificate” was it.
In truth, he only THOUGHT he needed a distraction because nobody knew what HE knew. The press didn’t know. Nobody in social media knew.
Bin Laden.
The original date for the bin Laden raid in Abbottabad was to have been…April 30th, 2011.
Obama was deeply engaged in making the decision to strike that compound. Intell had been gathered. There was a good chance he was there. The Seal team had been rehearsing.
The window would open on a certain date and close on a certain date.
I would suggest the first or earliest date was to be, April 29th or 30th. The closing date would have been May 2nd or 3rd.
Obama and his team felt a distraction was necessary and because the mission to get bin Laden was big…the distraction needed to be BIG as well.
The “birth certificate” issue. THAT was big. Release the “birth certificate” that’ll distract em.
The problem, in the run-up to the bin Laden strike, was there was no birth certificate to release. Obama knew it, his team knew it but…they NEEDED that distraction.
Create a “birth certificate” out of thin air. Do it. Do it fast. Make it look good…Obama himself will release it…press conference…social media will jump on it…everybody will be focused on the distraction instead of what’s really going on.
The problem was, those who created the forgery for purposes of distraction were NOT forensic document experts. They were just people with access to some basic scanners and enough know-how to cut and paste and layer.
In a state of arrogance, nobody thought far enough ahead to realize the blogosphere was full of computer nerds who would, within 24 hours, reveal the truth and when they did, the liberal/socialist Obama machine did what they had done since the questions regarding the birth certificate first came to light back in 2008…They labeled those who knew it was a forgery as loons…Crazy people…Conspiracy theorists and fools.
They didn’t count on Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Arpaio launched the only law enforcement investigation into the “birth certificate” at the urging of the Surprise Arizona Tea Party. The Surprise Tae Party was, no doubt, driven by those blogosphere computer nerds who were spurred into action by the distraction Obama never needed to begin with.
Obama painted himself into a corner by creating a distraction…a forged birth certificate…to provide cover for the bin Laden raid, which was already under such a blanket of secrecy it needed no further cover.
The distraction is now the issue. The forged birth certificate has led Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse and lead investigator, Mike Zullo, to the forged Selective Service registration and no doubt, a great deal more. I’s are being dotted and T’s being crossed…eventually, more information will be released by Zullo, the Posse and Arpaio.
Obama is already using the bin Laden raid in his reelection campaign. He will continue to do so and I believe, eventually, he will release the photos of a dead bin Laden.
Obamacare is likely to fall in the Supreme Court as is the lawsuit over Arizona’s SB1070. The economy i
s still in trouble. Green energy is a bust. Fast and Furious is a disaster. Holder, I believe, will be held in contempt of the House Committee. Obama’s policies regarding Iran, Israel, the United Nations, Egypt, Syria, Libya and others have been dismal. Gas prices are sky high and will most likely get worse. Inflation. Class warfare. Continued playing of the race card. The list of Obama failures just goes on and on.
The one thing on which he can hang his hat and no one can disagree with is that he presided over the bin Laden Raid.
The ultimate irony is that Obama CREATED a distraction from the singular thing he’s done right and that distraction could well prove his undoing.
It would also be the ultimate price of arrogance.
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