It stands for the same thing regardless of the language.
Avanti!, organ of the Italian Socialist Party
Voorwaarts!, organ of the Communist Youth Movement (Netherlands)
Vorwärts, organ of the Social Democratic Party of Germany
We don’t know who he really is but we DO know WHAT he really is.
We don’t know where he came from but we DO know where he’s leading us.
We don’t know who paid for his college education but we DO know he wants US to pay more.
We know he cares more for Hamas and the Palestinian Authority than he care for Israel.
We know that he wanted a dictator out of Egypt so he could be replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood.
He has his own law enforcement arm which supplied weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
He swore to uphold and defend our Constitution and both he and the head of his law enforcement arm have subverted it.
We know he stands FOR illegal immigration and AGAINST individual states that want to enforce federal immigration law.
We know he takes credit for what others have done and assesses blame to others for what he has done.
He told us he would cut the deficit in half and he’s added more to it than any president in our history.
We know he wants to punish success.
We’ve been told it was only because he was tired that he didn’t know how many states we have.
In her adult life, his wife was never proud of her country until her husband was nominated.
His wife attends a flag ceremony and says to her husband…”All this for a damned flag?”
We know he wants more and more money to spend but he won’t provide a budget to tell us how he’ll spend it.
He told us that under his plan, energy prices would skyrocket. He was correct.
He told us that green energy companies were good and sound investments. At least 6 of them he gave OUR money to have gone bankrupt.
We know that he is begging the Taliban to negotiate with us and wants them to help form a new Afghan government even while the Taliban continues to kill our soldiers IN Afghanistan.
We know the Communist Party has endorsed him.
We know the Socialist Party has endorsed him.
We know he believes in redistribution of wealth.
We know he is friends with known domestic terrorists.
We know he is an ardent follower of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.
We know that during his last campaign, women fainted at the mere sight of him or at least pretended to.
We have never heard of one single past girlfriend who thought he was all that.
We know the birth certificate he said was his is a forgery.
We know his Selective Service registration is a fake.
We know the Social Security number associated with him came from a state in which he never lived and belonged to someone else.
We know he attended a church for 20 years where the preacher, a close family friend and his spiritual adviser spoke of “God DAMN America” and he claimed to have no idea of Rev. Wright’s ideology.
We know he wants class warfare and stands with the occupy fringe.
We know he’s a race baiter.
We know he traveled the world apologizing for American exceptionalism.
We know he bowed down to foreign leaders.
We know he hangs ornaments with pictures of Mao on his Christmas tree.
We know he wants to create commerce, mandate that we purchase it and regulate it.
We know he created a website where people can go to turn in those who do not approve of him.
We know he has said he will act without consent of Congress.
We know he has done so.
We know he has said he would bypass Congress and use Executive Orders instead.
We know he has done so.
We know he replaced the term, “Terrorism” with “Man-Caused Disasters.”
We know he wants to extend our rights to terrorists.
We know he thinks the war on terrorism is over.
We know it’s not.
We know he apologized for the burning of Korans.
We know he did not demand an apology for the murders of our own over those Korans.
We know his administration refers to the act of terrorism at Ft. Hood as “Workplace Violence.”
We know that, bit by bit, he wants to cede our sovereignty to the United Nations.
We know there are those who will vote for him again because they, like he, believe in the socialist ideology and support his efforts.
We know there are those who will vote for him because of the color of his skin.
They would be wrong to do so.
We know there are those who will vote for him indirectly by writing in the name of someone not named as his opposition on the ballot because they feel that the presumptive opponent is exactly the same as he is.
Given the list above, they would be wrong to believe that.
American fundamentals are found in our society, our capitalist ideology, our laws, our sense of patriotism, our family structure, and our acquired knowledge gained at the expense of our mistakes. American fundamentals are rooted in our Constitution, our unalienable rights, the vision of our founders and framers and fought for and died for by brave men and women throughout our history.
We know he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America.
We know, given another 4 years, he will have completed his mission.
We have 1 chance to stop him.
November 6th, 2012.
Voting him out and another in doesn’t end the devastation.
It begins the restoration.
Saving our nation is NOT the job of a new president.
United WE must stand.
It’s OUR job.
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