Saturday, June 9, 2012

See No Evil, Speak No Truth, And Us

I freely admit to being rigid and borderline inflexible pursuant to my low opinion of those elected or appointed to political office. But even using that as a high bar of contempt, Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and Janet Napolitano fail to come even close to exceeding it.
The overwhelming majority of Americans have no idea how incestuously corrupt and self-serving politicians can be, and that the majority of those in the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch of the Federal Government, in fact, are. Specific to that point, Fast and Furious, the illegal international gun-smuggling operation, is a case study into the depth of corruption and intrigue within the four highest offices in our land. It is a case study of the depths the highest elected individual and the highest politicalappointees in government will sink to in order to undermine the Constitution of the United States.
I pause here to encourage everyone to read Katie Pavlich’s blood-curdling book: “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal And Its Shameless Cover-up.” It pulls back the curtain on the culture of corruption that exists in our government today. And it lays bare the actors involved, with documented detail after documented detail. But this isn’t a treatise about Pavlich’s book, it’s an indictment of the feckless, craven, and/or the blind ideologues who refuse to take the necessary steps to punish those involved.
A couple questions: why did the highest member of Congress, Speaker of the House John Boehner, work behind the scenes to stall and sabotage the investigations into Eric Holder‘s part in Fast and Furious? Was he working on behalf of Obama? or was he secretly trying to cut a deal with members of the committee investigating Holder? Why do Republicans appear as unwilling to uphold the law as Jehmu Greene is to extricate “white boy” from her lexicon? Why does Mitt Romney have to be encouraged to make the lies, subterfuge, murder, blackmail, perjury, ad nauseum of Fast and Furious part of his campaign language? How can Romney claim that his administration would be different than what is in place now, if he must be coaxed to condemn the transpicuous corruption of Fast and Furious? And last, why are even those who freely admit there has been and still is unparalleled law-breaking conjunctive with Fast and Furious–hesitant to condemn Boehner and Republican leadership for their lack of commitment to justice?

The answers to those questions can be summed up by understanding that which is an anathema to me, i.e., people view those in elected office as superior to ourselves. The person elected to office may have been a bagger at the downtown Piggly Wiggly on Tuesday, but the moment they take office on Wednesday they are somehow deemed to be erudite and Wellingtonesque. We elect people to office to represent our concerns. We pay their salaries and turn a blind eye to the benefits they enjoy at our expense. We elect them to office and they immediately lord over us with an air of superiority. Even when it is glaringly apparent that they are reluctant or that they refuse to do that which is proper, the party ideologues are loathe to condemn them, and the citizenry wrings their hands and laments being helpless.
Having us believe that we are helpless is a trick of the elected and of party hierarchy that is intended to diminish our resolve and keep us obedient to their instructions. But the elected and the ideologues who do their every bidding don’t want us to realize that.
If Fast and Furious is pursued to the limit of the laws that were broken, and are being broken, in the coverup–there is a legitimate likelihood we will see a sitting President, an Attorney General, a Secretary of State, the Director of Homeland Security and perhaps a dozen or more other bureaucrats indicted and receive prison sentences. But the mainstream media and news outlets are incalcitrant and indifferent to the welfare of the nation and will of the people.
Ergo, we cannot look to the media, ideologues, or the elected themselves to uphold the Constitution or to do that which is in the best interest of We The People. We must take it upon ourselves. It is important to note that no politician will give us the time of day unless it is of personal benefit to them–but they have all the time in the world for Fox News or one of the alphabet cable networks.
It wasn’t Fox News or the mainstream media outlets that broke the news of Fast and Furious–it was a ragtag collection of bloggers and whistleblowers at who broke the story. Just as it was internet bloggers that exposed the fraudulent documents Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were attempting to smear President Bush with concerning his National Guard service.
In the case of Dan Rather, within hours of his 60 Minutes broadcast, those posting at Free Republic and various blogs were questioning the authenticity of the documents.
We cannot trust the majority of the politicians in office at this time nor can we, in truth, depend on party ideologues, and we certainly cannot trust the mainstream media. I receive emails every day from persons who have started their own news blogs and from persons who have created unique ways of circulating important news and information that the media purposefully ignores.
We can also write, fax, telephone, and email our representatives and tell them that we insist Obama, Holder, Clinton, Napolitano, and the others involved, must be indicted and tried. If they do not respond in a timely fashion, or if they respond with a form letter response or if they respond with synthetic oratories about what they can or cannot do, and do nothing, we must expose them. Politicians do not like light shone on their actions. Every time we contact them and they ignore us, or respond with a canned reply, we must make it known.

One way to accomplish that is to have a website or websites that are nothing more than repositories to make their shunning of us known. We can keep track of the number of times and the dates we contacted their office and were ignored. We can publish the combined data and send the information to, Drudge Report, or any major news website that isn’t in league with a political party. At the end of the year a ranking system can be established and we will see which pols seem to honestly care about us.
This is a simple step but therein lies its genius: because if done correctly, it will expose the elected in a way they do not want to be exposed. We can publish the information in newspapers, etc. I assure you this is not something any politician wants to have happen. But it calls for us to be determined in our efforts.
Our nation has been brought to the brink of the abyss, and Obama plays golf, denies entrance to Vietnam veterans, friends and family to the Vietnam Memorial, while his wife goes on secret shopping sprees and secret trysts at the taxpayers’ expense. Fast and Furious, if thoroughly investigated, can lead to the most powerful collection of elected and appointed politicians receiving sanctions and prison sentences in the last century, if not longer. We need those in office and running for office to address these criminal acts.
We don’t need John Boehner and former Congressman-now-Governor John Kasich of Ohio, playing golf with Obama last week and then laughing about how much fun it was as Kasich was interviewed on the Golf Channel. We need Boehner and Kasich to help us prosecute Obama for his involvement in Fast and Furious. We need them to stand up for America and her citizens and to stop glad-handing with those who are corrupting ourgovernment, subverting our Constitution, and destroying our nation.

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