Monday, August 13, 2012

Dan Bubalo: As Punctual as the Atomic Clock

Trench warfare and crocodiles are rarely mentioned in the same sentence, and with even less frequency when mapping political terrain, but with a deliberate and purposeful ignobility emanating from the Oval Office one must forage along a muddy path for answers instead of analyzing the landscape from the comfort of the rails, and presently the trail leads to a slurry.
The trenches dug in WWI are considered symbolic of the futility of war, particularly because the lack of strategic thinking and stubbornness of commanders, reducing illogistic battles to ones of attrition, an insane approach not only for its profound lack of imagination, but equally so for the manner in which military leaders clung to its sophistic principles. Random orders regularly sent men “over the top” of the trench embankment into crossfire and into “no man’s land”, a chilling reference to the death zone in which flesh and bone were regarded as dispensable commodities and lives held no value.
The crocodile is a remarkably un-evolved species resembling closely its ancestors of the Eocene Epoch of nearly 55 million years ago, occasionally cannibalistic, eating its young, and instinctively resorting to drowning prey before eating it, which brings us to the campaign tactics of Mr. Obama, who cannot by any measure of decency, intellectual depth, achievement, or success match favorably with Mr. Romney. Instead, he’s trying to drag Mr. Romney into the swamp and suffocate him with unfounded rumor, innuendo, and lunatic-fringe fabrications, or at the very least, lure him into slugging it out in the gutter.
How “progressive.”
No synopsis of the Democrats’ strategy of substituting mud-wrestling for open debate would be complete without Joseph Goebbels clone and chief propagandist Harry Reid, a man with the demeanor of a snake and the ethics of a rat. This man’s moral canoe hasn’t had a paddle in it for decades, and as the curtain appears ready to close on his stranglehold of power he’s become predictably regressive, for no decorous individual, much less the Senate majority leader, has ever been more comfortable without waders in the bowels of indecency, and while oozing sleaze with snarky juvenility is de rigueur in adolescent competitions, it insults the position to which he lays claim and personifies an uncommon vulgarity. Such aberrant behavior, combined with increasing desperate rhetoric being spewed by the president is harming their own party’s moderates while simultaneously creating an ideological chasm from which balanced members must retreat, lest they resort to crocodilian cannibalism to see which piers in the Democratic platform are left intact.
As punctual as the atomic clock in Greenwich, England, Mr. Obama’s reaction to another act of random violence is that America has to do some soul searching, a comment which is not only utterly insulting to thecountry but one that reeks of political opportunism, especially during a time when we have entire nations committed to our destruction. The vacuum of logic in which he dwells precludes him from reasoning and sensibility, and compels him to instinctively assign blame to the United States at a time when radicalterrorists lurk among us and foreign interests seek our nation’s demise.
There was no reason to condemn all Chechnyans after the school hostage tragedy of 2004, nor was there any basis for suggesting the nation of Norway was fundamentally flawed because of what a mad gunman did in July of last year, but considered and judicious discourse is not part of Mr. Obama’s repertoire and he wastes no opportunity to paint our country in unflattering colors. By contrast, if he was seriously interested in trends and doing some introspection of his own (he isn’t) he would see a crime spree by illegal aliens exploding before him, the ones for which he illegally granted asylum and the ones for which Janet Napolitano runs interference when she is not labeling Christians, gun owners, and certain bloggers domestic terrorists.

Hysteria and desperation manifest themselves in a number of ways, and in the case of dwindling poll numbers, increasing rejection by members of his own party, and an initial approval rating, however naïve, falling into a vortex, we can expect to see an acceleration of inane and frenzied machinations, and Mr. Obama’s Super-Pacs throwing more money at his Dirty Tricks Department than he wasted on Solyndra, a concept that leads to serious questions as to what lengths an administration will go behind the scenes when it so brazenly flaunts the law in full public view. It does not stretch credulity at all to suggest that the plan to flood the country with illegal voters by unilaterally ignoring immigration laws started the first day of the current administration with a distinct plan to steal the next election regardless of the feckless and reckless policies it planned to pursue, notwithstanding single-handedly gutting long-standing welfare legislation with the express intent of buying favor with generational malingerers. There is no sense of propriety with this assemblage of reprobate, but instead a distinct hatred of the United States and its laws and traditions combined with an unmistakable intent to dismantle it.
The re-election of Obama would result in a cabal of like-minded anti-American miscreants with nothing to lose and no other elections to win, and a de facto license to shackle financial institutions and corporations with heretofore unimaginable regulation until such time that centralization seemed like the only viable alternative. If Scotland, Ireland, and Australia possess strong business visionaries they must be fiendishly working to develop unprecedented incentive packages to lure business from the United States, which would impel the largest exodus of talent and corporate entities our country has ever seen. Commerce, manufacturing, and communication now blanket the world and the global marketplace is open 24 hours a day, reducing the need for corporations to be domiciled in the US and allowing them to offer employees comparable lifestyles in island nations who have shown resolve in rejecting radical Islam and efforts to bring about Sharia law to free societies.
It is a bitter irony that 52 years ago this week that Fidel Castro eliminated all radio and TV broadcasts in Cuba of the Catholic Church because it did not agree with the precepts of communism, especially at a time when Christianity is under assault in our own country, led by a president who once confused the 57 member states of Islam with that of the 50 states in the country he intended to assault from the trenches before ultimately dragging it under water to drown.
Never forget: “YOU didn’t build that!”
Don’t ever forget.

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