Monday, September 17, 2012

Warning: Reality Check Ahead

Amid other unprintable descriptions, Frank Sinatra also referred to journalists once as whores, and when urged to say publicly he was sorry, said, “I believe I owe an apology to all the fine hookers I’ve known for making that comparison.”
In life, music, and art, Frank knew trends.
The media today is unbridled, misguided, filled with omniscience, and arguably a force so corrosive that it has almost done more to dilute common sense than unionized and lock-stepped school teachers and college professors, whom, through a gross misinterpretation of their intellectual worth has led them to believe that pedestals are a rightful part of the classroom furniture, though the media runs a very close second as a destructive catalyst.  In concert, they have lowered the bar of intelligence.
David Axelrod, a patently dishonest man so delusional and intoxicated he fancies himself a consiglieri with limitless reach, when in fact he is little more than a pre-programmed hack with an uncontrollable fetish to lick the president’s boots.
Sinatra made his comment nearly 40 years ago and what ethics existed at that time continued with cancerous erosion until critical mass ultimately caused them to vaporize entirely.  The questions are how and why.   It happened because the ideologues that own various networks and newspapers were willing to sell the soul of integrity for the Pyrrhic Victory of readership and viewers and in so doing earned the wrath of those today who are able to think and reason without government intervention, assistance, or approval.  As unseemly as it appears, it matters little to major media as long as it can continue to shape public opinion with insipid sound bites the uninitiated and uninformed swallow whole, and if it continues to impugn its industry on an hourly and daily basis, so be it.  There’s an entirely different explanation for unionized faculty symbolized by the striking stiffs in Chicago, who remain too cowardly and lazy to embrace a merit-based environment yet boldly stand alongside a largely illiterate work product and reject a 16% raise.
The result is a black hole of mental acuity with a gravitational pull that has crushed people’s ability to think for themselves or exercise even a modicum of discernment, and the media has seized upon this weakness, essentially abdicating its responsibility to report and inform and substituting instead a mission to shape opinion as part of a distorted sense of its charter.  Pollsters aren’t any different and have morphed into mere extensions of the Democrat party media apparatus as evidenced by past preposterous suggestions leading up to elections that continue to this day.  According to Gallup, Carter and Mondale both had substantial leads over President Reagan, and Dukakis had a 15 point lead over the senior President Bush with less than 60 days to go.  Pollsters remain suspiciously pliable with data and methodologies and apparently operate under a sliding scale of absolutes that change like the weather in order to satisfy the high ranking shills in the Democrat party lest they incur the wrath of David Axelrod, a patently dishonest man so delusional and intoxicated he fancies himself a consiglieri with limitless reach, when in fact he is little more than a pre-programmed hack with an uncontrollable fetish to lick the president’s boots.

Troglodytes like Candy Crowley and Cokie Roberts along with the likes of intractable sycophant, Chris Mathews, are unapologetic broken records that view the world through microscopic prisms and believe their mission is to mock that with which they disagree or perhaps do not comprehend, and to tout that which they support regardless of empirical evidence that would deter more reasoned people, and this pattern of zealotry is intellectually empty as well as ethically naked.  Fortunately, the permanently smug countenance of Keith Olbermann is on the bench this election cycle, a man so consumed by a subjective sense of gravitas that he even makes liberals wretch.  Facts and objectivity are not components that interest these demagogues, but the ability to sway listeners through grand dissembling is their drug of choice and they are incapable of withdrawing from it.  Consider just a couple of this cabal’s idiomatic successes:
Obama’s obsessive hate of wealthy individuals and their success is always framed within the context of reversing the “Bush Tax Cuts” when reality says he is monomaniacally driven to change the current congressionally approved U.S. Tax Code with the express intent of attacking good fortune and neutering ambition lest it threaten his plan for creating an ultimate co-dependence on government.  The media’s reluctance to report accurately is an outright endorsement of Obama’s political vengeance and completely bereft of integrity.  Next we have Obama’s supremely naïve question to Mr. Romney with respect to “how he intends to pay for tax cuts”, a comment that borders on retardation for its steadfast adherence to an urban myth that ranks in hysteria with the flat-earth theory, for it asserts in the face of all evidence to the contrary that tax breaks are part of a zero-sum game.  Apparently it is easier to peddle the party line than dealing with the nuisance of facts.
The lack of professional standards is not confined to leftist media outlets, however, as witnessed by the deterioration in quality of Fox News, wherein long-legged cookie cutter blondes who look like they’re auditioning for a Legg’s commercial are interchangeably thrust in front of viewers to bat their eyes in wonderment as if they were watching a closed circuit feed on brain surgery, and frequently matched with equally insipid male co-anchors.  In fact, just prior to the RNC two of them were at the “news desk” (a sick joke if there ever was one) and this intrepid tag team was interviewing Britt Hume and Mike Wallace’s kid.  Their frame of reference was so small and their sense of history so minute they were slack-jawed to discover Hume and Wallace were at the RNC during the nomination of Ronald Reagan in 1980, and they fawned as if they were listening to tales of the sea from Columbus and Magellan.  My colleague has discussed the network’s ongoing enabling of black on white racism, so while I won’t comment at length upon Fox’s hyprocrisy at this time, suffice to say such pusillanimity only serves to exacerbate a dwindling reputation for a network once seen as a beacon.
The Sound Bite Society will now attempt to define me as I openly lend support to the Republican cause so I will beat them to the punch, for to be conservative means I want dirty air, dirty water, to reward the rich at the expense of the poor, and according to Joe Biden, want to see black people in chains, and if either of my grandmothers were alive I would put them in their wheelchairs and push them off a cliff.
In reality, I just don’t want a financially irresposible pro-muslim communist in the Oval Office.

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