North Korea has apparently, conducted their 3rd nuclear test which flies in the face of U.N. resolutions.
U.N. resolutions are, as we all know, worthless but North Korea’s test, which registered a 4.9 on the Richter Scale is just the tip of the iceberg.
North Korea, as we all know, is tight with Iran and Iran, as we all know, is nearing the red line on THEIR nuclear program.
It doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to understand the implications.
As soon as Iran refines uranium to weapons grade, the rest of their work has been done FOR them by North Korea.
The reclusive and insane North Korean government has already and clearly, created nuclear bombs AND, if that isn’t enough…North Korea is much, MUCH closer to intercontinental ballistic missiles that is the “monkey launching” Ahmadinejad.
What Iran lacks in nuke technology North Korea can provide and what North Korea may need in delivery technology…Iran can provide.
A match made in hell to be sure.
This, of course, is not the only problem for the Dictator tonight.
His nominee for Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, will be brought up for a vote TODAY and I rather doubt he will be confirmed before tonight’s propaganda promenade.
Hagel gave THE worst account of himself of ANY nominee to ANY post I have ever seen but wait…There’s MORE…or less as the case might be.
The Senate committee had instructed Hagel to turn over all information on all speeches he has given since January 1st 2008.
Hagel conveniently failed to turn over ANY information including the fact that he even GAVE speeches to…The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) on June 13, 2008, where Hagel was their keynote speaker AND…at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies on September 22, 2008.
BOTH organizations are VERY well known as PRO Arab, PRO Palestinian and ANTI Israel.
And then there is the Dictator’s nominee to head the CIA, John Brennan who, according to the FBI’s former Counterterrorism Division Expert on Islam, John Guandolo, a Marine and combat veteran, is a Muslim by conversion.
Guandolo says that while serving as the CIA Station Chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s, Brennam became very close to those in the Muslim Brotherhood and, converted to Islam. In fact, Brennan is on video speaking in glowing terms of Islam.
THIS should be of great interest to those in charge of confirming or denying Brennan the CIA’s top chair as the CIA would be in charge of gathering intell on ISLAMIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS and let’s face it…As EGYPT is now in the hands OF the Muslim Brotherhood and threatening our allies in the region…Would Brennan, as a Muslim Convert, really be collecting or suppressing intell?
THIS should be of great interest to those in charge of confirming or denying Brennan the CIA’s top chair as the CIA would be in charge of gathering intell on ISLAMIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS and let’s face it…As EGYPT is now in the hands OF the Muslim Brotherhood and threatening our allies in the region…Would Brennan, as a Muslim Convert, really be collecting or suppressing intell?
Should EITHER Hagel or Brennan receive their appointments, either or both would embolden our enemies and the enemies of our allies.
Of course, there is another issue facing BOTH high profile nominees which directly relates to the Dictator…
Lindsey Graham.
Senator Graham has vowed to put a hold on BOTH nominees unless he and his committees get the answers to what took place in Benghazi and WHY.
Last year, Obama again spiked the football on bin Laden at the State of Insanity Address but THIS year, after spending a great deal of time dancing in the end zone over “bin Laden’s Dead and GM is alive…” The Dictator has another problem that surfaced yesterday.
While the Pakistani Doctor who assisted in identifying bin Laden continues to reside in jail…
It seems that the SEAL 6 Team member who actually pulled the trigger on bin Laden that night in 2011, is now separated from his family, out of the Navy, suffering from injuries, without insurance, awaiting treatment from Veteran’s affairs and…UNEMPLOYED.
And while we were told throughout the campaign that al Qaeda was decimated and on their heels, nothing, it seems, could be further from the truth as we watch al Qaeda and their affiliates take control of north Africa and flex their muscle as more and more terrorist franchises pop up all over the place.
New poles are showing a majority of Americans believe the Dictator’s 2009 “stimulus” failed and that more taxes are not the answer to our growing debt but less spending is.
That ALL slaps the Dictator in the face as tonight, in his State of Disinformation Address, he will champion more revenue, more spending and another stimulus to set our domestic economy straight.
Up is down and down is up.
There is the looming sequester, the Dictator’s grand idea, which will enact cuts, primarily to the defense budget, cause higher unemployment and lower our ability to defend ourselves at home and abroad. The Dictator will, no doubt, blame it all on republicans.
He will champion “gun control” and chide congress to pass sweeping infringements against the 2nd Amendment…A fight he will surely lose but one which will provide misdirection as he works toward a U.N. sponsored treaty which would nullify the 2nd altogether.
I know there are MANY Conservatives who will decline to watch the Dictator spew his socialist policies tonight and frankly, that would be a mistake.
We, as Conservatives SHOULD be watching AND paying great attention tonight.
Whatever he lays out tonight will be exactly and specifically what WE must find the proper 2014 midterm candidates to fight AGAINST. HIS blueprint for HIS second term is OUR blueprint for the 2014 midterms AND the 2016 General election and, if we are to defeat the enemy of the state, we MUST understand his plan of attack.
Finally, of all the Dictators problems he will have to lie and dance around tonight, none may be more unavoidable, in the long run, than the direct slap in the face the Dictator took last week at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Dr. Ben Carson was the keynote speaker and HE delivered what many consider, the first campaign speech for 2016.
Conservatives are championing Dr. Carson for handing the Dictator his hat and socialists, both elected and pundits, are trying to dismiss Dr. Carson’s speech as wholly inappropriate.
At a PRAYER breakfast? A POLITICAL speech?
Ironic isn’t it?
In fact, there was a great deal of faith laced throughout the Carson speech and intertwined throughout, was common sense SOLUTIONS to taxes, Obamacare, education, social issues and so much more.
Sitting but 5 feet from the podium was an obviously angry Dictator and his Queen, neither of whom Dr. Carson acknowledged before or after the speech and both of whom were the last to stand in applause and the first to be seated before the applause died down.
To have such a strong and spot-on rebuke of his dictatorial policies delivered a week before he intends to put for
th his full second term manifesto and to have it delivered directly to his face is something the Dictator knows full well, will NOT go away.
If he thought the Carson speech went viral BEFORE his State of Deception Address, the Dictator hasn’t seen anything yet. Dr. Carson’s speech will, after tonight, be cut into sound bites and spliced together with the Dictator’s sound bites from tonight as a direct comparison between socialist agenda and common sense conservative solutions.
Tonight, the Dictator will lay out his battle plan…And OURS.
The State of the Union???
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