Take Detroit…
No really…You can have it…PLEASE take it.
Detroit has been in the hand of socialists since 1961. 52 years of socialist mayors elected to office by socialists and paid for by socialist unions.
It’s over.
At least it darn well should be.
Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder declared Detroit to be in a state of financial emergency last Friday and that helps to clear the way for the STATE to take over DETROIT’S financial situation and appoint a special or, emergency, city manager to start the proves of straightening out the disaster that IS Detroit.
Now, to give you a glimpse into the mindset of socialists, their minds warped by 15 or more years of public school indoctrination…some having possibly attended asylums of HIGHER indoctrination…
As Governor Snyder made his announcement, about 2 miles away at the scene of the crime, Detroit’s City Hall…
PROTESTERS gathered to chant…
You see, Governor Rick Snyder is one of…”THEM!!!”
He’s a…REPUBLICAN” and in Detroit, or what’s left OF it…Snyder isn’t wanted.
Let’s just see how bad things are and whether or not something needs to be DONE in Detroit.
This year, Detroit, under the socialist Mayoral leadership of David Bing, is racking up a $327 million dollar deficit but, that’s just the tip of iceberg.
Detroit’s total DEBT…After 52 years of socialist leadership is a staggering !14 BILLION dollars.
This is a CITY we’re talking about here not a STATE…A CITY that is $14 BILLION in the hole and if that’s not enough…Detroit has what’s called a “CASH FLOW” problem.
Allow me to explain how that works.
Last year, the cash flow problem reach a point where Detroit could no longer afford to keep street lights on at night so, they shut off nearly half of them…Leaving neighborhoods…IN THE DARK.
As crime rose and darkness fell across sections of the Motor City, residents in those neighborhoods were strongly encouraged to move to neighborhoods where cops were on the streets and those streets were lit at night.
Another BIG part of the cash flow problem and the reason that problem exists is that, over the last 30 years or so, Detroit has seen its population dwindle. Once the 5th largest city in the nation it is now 18th and of the 700,000 or so people left, even THEY are moving out.
Retirees don’t want to live there and young families don’t want their children growing UP there so…Detroit is losing population from both ends of the demographic scale.
There are abandoned and crumbling factories. Abandoned and crumbling homes…huge sections of a once populated city now razed. Crime is up. Violent crime is up.
Tax revenue, like the Detroit population continues to fall…and fall…and fall.
Motor City, home of the nation’s once proud auto industry is now a shell of its former self and one of the reasons for that IS a once proud and union run (into the ground) auto industry. Now, with more retired auto workers than working auto workers, pensions exceed payroll and that’s not a recipe for success or future prosperity.
Detroit, as a city, is spending more on city workers and government than they can raise through tax revenue and the higher they raise the taxes, the more taxpayers flee for greener pastures.
Currently, of those left IN Detroit, 32.5 % are living below poverty level. They are not paying any taxes at all.
Think of that.
1 out of 3 residents of Detroit are below poverty level.
With a population of 700,000…Some 231,000 are below the poverty line.
Given all of this, the deficit, the $14 BILLION dollar debt, the shrinking population, rising crime, poverty…
As a REPUBLICAN Governor announces his plan to declare an emergency management team for the decaying city…PROTESTERS show up and chant, “SNYDER GO HOME!!!”
They are socialists.
Pardon the redundancy.
As a microcosm, Detroit is today what America is heading for.
There is no way to spend one’s way to prosperity and likewise, no way to tax one’s way there either.
The only way to get out of the hole is through economic growth. Spend less, grow the base, allow business owners to expand and create jobs which, in turn, expands the base more and creates more revenue.
In Detroit…Standing in the way of such measures are the socialists unions. They refuse to cut their pension programs to reflect reality.
According to Eric Lupher, Michigan’s director of local affairs for the Citizens Research Council, “The city could stop doing all of its current operations today — no more police and fire, no more garbage collection, no more street lights — and the city would still have billions of dollars of debt and promises made for future payments that it would have to pay.”
Socialist city government and over the years, corrupt socialist government entities in Detroit who have engaged in graft, bribery, theft and general socialist principles of tax and spend, spend, spend.
But those are exactly the things these delusional protesters want MORE of and the exact reason that, without the State “takeover” they try to shout down, Detroit will continue to become a bottomless cesspool of debt and decline.
For those socialist protesters, those whose ideology outweighs their common sense…Those who will claim that Detroit is some sort of abnormality when it comes to such things…Consider this:
The top 10 poorest cities in America, those with the highest percentage of their population (populations over 250,000) living under the poverty level all have one thing in common.
All…ALL are run by liberals.
Detroit, MI (1st on the list) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961.
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1954.
Cincinnati, OH (3rd) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1984.
Cleveland, OH (4th) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1989.
Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican mayor.
St. Louis, MO (6th) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1949.
El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican mayor.
Milwaukee, WI (8th) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1908.
Philadelphia, PA (9th) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1952.
Newark, NJ (10th) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1907.
Detroit will almost HAVE to file for bankruptcy and then, restructure its pension system to even START the rebounding process and it’s going to mean substantial restructuring of EXISTING union pensions.
Take the case of Sandra Brunson w
ho, after 35 years on the Detroit police force, recently retired and…MOVED AWAY FROM DETROIT because she says, “I didn’t feel safe. I lived in a gated community in Detroit the last five years, and I was scared before getting to the gate.”
Balancing the books in Detroit is one thing but, it does nothing to deal with billions of dollars of promised payouts to city workers who have retired or who have existing pension deals.
Just wait until austerity hits 8 Mile and Detroit’s socialists are told they have to make do with only a portion of what they’ve been promised. They’ll burn down what little is left of their ruined city as they will be unwilling to settle for something over nothing at all.
Such is the way of socialism.
As Margaret Thatcher so pointedly observed:
“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”
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