Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hey, American voters, you’re stupid!

Obama’s legacy will be one of ignominy because their policies will result in the impoverishment of more Americans than the Great Depression

Hey, American voters, you’re stupid!

By Klaus Rohrich (Bio and Archives)  Wednesday, July 3, 2013 
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The cynicism and contempt with which President Obama and the Democrats hold the American people is downright criminal. The latest move by the White House postponing full implementation of the Obamacare small business mandate amounts to an admissionthat the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have a huge negative impact on the American economy. In short, the ACA will neither be affordable nor will it have much to do with “care.”
Most disgusting is that the postponement betrays a level of contempt for American voters that is unprecedented in this country and is on par with countries like the former Soviet Union or Zimbabwe. Obama appears to believe that if he postpones the damage to the economy his signature healthcare law will engender long enough to get past the 2014 mid-term elections, then the Democrats will have an opportunity to take complete control of all three branches of the government. And if that happens, it’s lights out for liberty.
There’s a real danger that this ploy may succeed, given the low level of sentience that the average American is capable of displaying. But then if life revolves around Dancing With The Stars, American Idol and Keeping Up With The Kardashians, then it isn’t a stretch to think that cheap tricks and trinkets will distract voters long enough to ensure a complete takeover.
The past five years have shown us that there are a large number of Americans who would be content to have the government provide for them without their having to expend much, if any effort. However, I don’t believe the majority of Americans would be content to exist at a subsistence levelwith the government providing for their basic needs and postponement of thesmall business mandate proves this point. An increase in unemploymentand further decline of the US economy would be on Obama and the Democrats’ head.
Part of the reason that the Democrats haven’t been totally turfed out of Washington is that American voters aren’t being offered a real alternative. When you consider presidents like George W. Bush with his ridiculous “compassionate conservatism” andcandidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney with their “progressive light” agendas, then it’s a small wonder that there is any Republican support in America at all.
The Democrats are heading for the Perfect Storm and Obama’s legacy will be one of ignominy because their policies will result in the impoverishment of more Americans than the Great Depression. The US economy has been kept afloat with newly printed moneythat may as well be counterfeit. Once the Fed stops pumping $85 billion a month into the economy and Amnesty brings out up to 30 million low-skilled, uneducated workers that vie for jobs with our indigenous low-skilled, uneducated workers and families are forced to pay as much as $20,000 per year for government mandated healthcare, American voters will smarten up pretty quickly. And they will graphically disprove the Democrats’ belief that the American electorate is stupid.

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