Monday, November 18, 2013

Bill And Hillary Clinton – The Presidential Job Resume

Bill And Hillary Clinton – The Presidential Job Resume
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Bill and Hillary Clinton are like a case of herpes; they re-appear at the most inopportune times and will not go away permanently.
Forget Jimmy Carter and his 33 year voyage of trying to rehabilitate his image.  He’s been quiet of late because President Obama has taken the yoke off his neck as being the most inept president ever, at least in modern times, and if you examine the record of Bill Clinton in general, and specifically as president, he isn’t much different.  He can’t rest on his laurels because there are none.  He cannot point to any specific legislation to which he helped pass, unless he wishes to bet his reputation on NAFTA, which hurt all the union supporters he bent over for fund raising for years and years.  If he hadn’t single-handedly help elect a Republican Congress, there’s no telling how far out of control he would have been.
Bill Clinton was the first president to turn the White House into a frat house, surrounding himself with sycophantic rabble-rousing staffers, and who brought a level of indignity to The Office unforeseen until Obama came to town and dragged the standards lower, just without the partying.  Obama’s biggest problem is that he can’t make his lower lip quiver on demand the way Bill could when looking for sympathy, so that’s currently hurting him in polling numbers, particularly with women.

Hillary Clinton…………………the acknowledged front-runner for president in 2016?  That would be a punch line to a bad joke if it didn’t have the potential to occur.  Why?  Because she got a new hair-do?  Because she evaded responsibility for Benghazi?  Because she avoided prosecution on several fronts over the years, including her illegally conceived Hillary-Care in the early 90’s?  Got off scot-free for hiding Rose Law Firm records in the White House?  Has hidden her dismissal from the Watergate Committee for violating the rule of law?  Getting elected as a senator from New York, a state in which she never lived until filing to run?  Because, with apologies to Sonny Bono, the screech goes on and people fear her?  Who watched her serial-philanderer husband and kept her yap shut in order to remain in a position of quasi-prominence, and did nothing for women along the way by playing mute?What are her legislative skills?  None.  What is her legal background?  Dubious.  Whatever happened to Vince Foster?  Hmmm.  Who’s Chelsea’s real father?  Webb Hubbell.
Now THAT’S a resume worth considering for president.
Then again, I know why she’s running.  Look who is now serving his second term:  Barack Insane Obama.  Hillary and Bill have to be thinking, if this fool can get-over twice on the American public, she’s got to be a shoe-in.  Obama’s resume is so thin if anyone had held it up to the sky they would have gotten sunburned.  The Clinton’s are filthy, ruthless people, and in no way should that be construed as either one being smart or in any way intelligent, but they do understand how stupid the populace has become and intend to take full advantage of it, especially in light of watching Obama fumble the football again and again with either a moronic strategy, or another criminal enterprise.
The Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare, was nothing more than a Trojan Horse filled with excrement under the guise of being needed, when in fact it was just a power-grab used most often by other dictators, suggesting, “This will be good for you.”
OK.  Now people can go back to their own plan.  I happen to be very, very close friends with an insurance executive, and you just can’t “go back to your own plan” without having a massive gap in coverage.  There is a process called underwriting, which entails a full examination under which a person and/or family will, indeed, be re-evaluated.  You just don’t call up your former carrier and say, “Uh, hey, Palomino.  Put me back on the list.”
Only a total idiot would not know otherwise……………….o-o-o-o-o-o-h.  Did I just say something nasty about Mr. Obama’s intelligence?  Well, yes I did.  He and his rank and file staff really never had, nor do they now possess, the understanding of the insurance world, but they were more than happy to take away that freedom and privilege from everyone, wave their pompoms, and blindly follow the Pied Piper as he took them all over the cliff.
First of all, the system wasn’t broken, so why make it a priority to fix it?  (government control)  The health care system comprises approximately 17% of the economy, so why exert the effort, make it a priority, and extort those is Congress to pass a law to rule something so large and violates free enterprise?  (government control)  Breaking down interstate barriers would have resulted in greater competition and lead to lower prices for all, so why not have taken that approach?  (government control)  Now, the prescription provided  by the stumbling, bumbling press conference by Barack Insane Obama suggests one just go back to their old policy, a possibililty but one fraught with actuarial nightmares, which?  Will toss one back into the quagmire of what?  Government controlled health care.
There is an inherent irrationality about a 2500 page law that was passed by Congress, signed by the president, and that somehow has had 18,000 pages of additional rules, regulations, and “executive orders” added to it. This obscenely ridiculous piece of legislation ceases to be a federal law, and instead a platform for further personal invasions and removal of liberties. Does that not smack of dictatorial?  And allow me to ask one final rhetorical question:  CAN ANYONE NAME SOMETHING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RUNS EFFICIENTLY?  I feel like the teacher in Ferris Buehler…..anyone?…..anyone??
When you don’t know the game and you don’t know the industry and you don’t understand actuarial tables and you don’t understand downstream ramifications, much less can explain clearly why you tried to usurp and control the finest health care delivery system the world has ever experienced?  You hold a press conference and talk like a dunce and expose yourself as the fraud-peddler you were in the first place.  That’s no longer a point of contention.

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The major problem now is that when an idiot creates a problem, how in the hell can he be expected to fix it?  Five million “people” disenfranchised, eh?  That’s just the parents or homeowners.  Talk about fuzzy math.  Some health care recipients actually have a family with a spouse and children.  Let’s be conservative and think through a 4 member family with Daddy Cool being covered at work.  Now we’re up to 20 million who don’t have health care coverage and must reapply, according to Insane Obama.  What if one of the family members had become ill during this major gap/gaffe in coverage?  You just don’t call up your former insurance group and tell them, “Hey, I want to be back on the plan.”  That’s just not how it works.  Now you have bigger problems, and the only carrot being dangled out there is what?  Government healthcare.  Like it, love it or lump it.  You now belong to the federal government.Did I mention Trojan Horse earlier?  Yes, I believe I did, but Mr. Obama, though stuttering and stammering today while he was making it up on the fly because he really doesn’t know about which he speaks, said, “You can go back to your original plan and keep your doctor.”
No, you can’t,  Doofus.  If you were who you pretend to be you’d already know that.
Not to worry.  Hillary and Bill Clinton are salivating in the corner just waiting to screw it up ev

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