If the entire house was packed FULL of Trey Gowdys…This nation would be in MUCH, MUCH better shape.
Let me now address the other side of Capitol Hill.
The senate.
Here’s my advice…
If YOUR senator isn’t Ted Cruz…
Think what you will regarding senator Cruz but, I’m telling you LOUD AND CLEAR…
During his 21 plus hour Q&A monologue a at the end of last September, Cruz read “The Cat in the Hat” and, in doing so, said more of substance than Harry Reid has said in all his years in that body.
In fact, during those 21 hours, Ted Cruz made more sense than the entire senate has made if you take all their floor speeches, all their utterances in front of media microphones and all of their print interviews over the last 10 years COMBINED!!!
Last week, while speaking to Mark Levin…
Ted Cruz spoke yet another 100% truth when he said that the GOP had absolutely no intention of listening to the American people
and that, “If we wait on the entrenched politicians in Washington, hell will freeze over before that happens.”
Ted Cruz is as right in that line of thinking as he was regarding the Obamacare disaster last September.
Let’s look at the GOP’s brand in the senate…John McCain.
McCain used to be billed as “The Maverick” back in 2008 when he was making his run for the white house and, what did he do to PROVE it?
He selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.
How did THAT turn out for the “Maverick”
SHE was the MAVERICK and HE paled by comparison.
They just roll glazed jelly donut after glazed jelly donut off their assembly line.
McCain…McConnell…Boehner…Christi…John Cornyn…Lindsey Graham…Mit Romney…The list just keeps going…
One glazed jelly donut after another with not a single difference between them and scant difference, other than the color of their filling, between them and the liberals.
The “Gang of 8,” the “Gang of 10…” somebody please tell me the difference between those and a box of a dozen.
Now, Compare Ted Cruz to the GOP jelly donut crowd.
Cruz is to the senate, what a Jalapino Bagel is to a box of jelly donuts.
As a true Conservative happening to be of Hispanic heritage who not only carries the Constitution in his pocket but, has
MEMORIZED it and believes that those elected by the people should ADHERE to it while LISTENING to the people…
He stands out in a crowd…He SITS DOWN when appropriate…He’s got attitude…He’s not sugar coated…He’s sharp…He’s brash…Bold…Hard for some to swallow and…He’s a WAKE-UP CALL to those who are trying like crazy to force more JELLY DONUTS DOWN YOUR THROATS!!!
He’s more to bite off than either the liberals OR the GOP can chew.
Ted Cruz is no jelly donut.
Last week’s clean debt ceiling vote rankled Cruz and he was successful in forcing a 60 vote majority while he would have rather killed it altogether and if I have one criticism of Cruz it is that he may not completely grasp the reasoning behind that decision.
By allowing the “clean” debt ceiling raise, the chance to blame another possible 17% government shutdown on the Republicans has been averted leading into the 2014 midterm thus allowing Obamacare to be made the front and center issue.
The other side of THAT coin being the FACT that the GOP would do nothing more to defend Cruz now than they did last
September when they tucked their tails between their legs and, like the jelly donuts they are, rolled into the corner allowing Ted Cruz to take the brunt of liberal criticism while joining in with their own.
With the collective spinal columns found in a petri dish of amoebae, the GOP is useless when it comes to standing and defending one who stands for 21 hours in defense of our Constitution.
Imagine more like Ted Cruz in Washington, listening TO the people rather than lording OVER them then, imagine the government working FOR the people rather than mandating TO the people.
THAT is what our founders and framers envisioned.
A house full of Trey Gowdys, holding lawmakers accountable to the people and a senate full of Ted Cruzs, keeping the government from intruding in the private lives of the citizens.
Naturally, such a scenario would require the PEOPLE to think and act with a now, all too uncommon, common sense and make the decisions that affect their lives on their own but, isn’t that the way it SHOULD be anyway?
For far too long, the people have acted like sheep being led this way and that, waiting for government to tell them what to do, what not to do while inflicting their will as THEY see fit.
That is why the Tea Party exists today. To remind those who have forgotten and those who, under the liberal “leadership” of our nation’s schools, have never been taught the real meaning of freedom and what it takes to keep it.
A government OF, BY and FOR the people…A government that answers to US as they should in a Constitutional Republic and, elected officials who don’t roll about in the stink of power and their individual political ideology but listen to and act upon the voices of those who elected them.
An elected body that must abide by the same laws they pass and live up to their oaths of office.
Words have meanings and these are being ignored by far too many of our elected officials:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
Some say Cruz doesn’t yet know his place having only been in the senate barely over a year.
I say he knows full well the place of EVERY senator and he has the brass to TELL them so.
“Listen,” he tells them.
Hell…They won’t even listen to HIM, much less us and the GOP has 2 deaf ears when it comes to what their constituents want.
Here’s the bottom line.
While liberals are intent on exerting power over the people, the GOP is only interested in gaining power in Washington and neither are interested whatsoever in giving any power back to the people where it belongs.
And then, there’s Cruz…Telling it like it is and knowing how it is supposed to be…LEADING while others just sit there…Like boxes of jelly donuts.
Craig Andresen
The National Patriot
Weekend Edition 2/16/2014
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