And that battle begins with us knowing that ObamaCare is a LIE...NO other way to say it. It is NOT health care nor is it affordable as its actual name...The Affordable Care Act (ACA) it to be. ObamaCare from its inception to its roll out to its subsequent implementation is NOTHING but one big scam to 'insure', if you will, the 'sponges' of our society so they stay in the voting pocket of the Democratic party and NOTHING else.
Obama loves to claim that to date more than eight million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the exchanges, but the truth is more like eight million Americans have perused the website and put something into their shopping cart, but have NOT paid that all-important first premium...thus denying the program the dollars needed to keep ObamaCare afloat. And Obama knew this would happen for he knows...and has always known...ObamaCare's inherent flaws.

Needless to say Walgreens was told to keep their Rx...told after a few choice words of this is out and out robbery, a scam, and that I would go elsewhere. Walgreens claimed the price was raised by corporate headquarters and that all Rx prices were being raised...and guess why...ObamaCare.
Being raised a few dollars is one thing...a 700% price increase is quite another...and this for simple ear drops. Now imagine the price increase for serious medications like those used for cancer or heart disease...imagine how these increases will affect people who cannot afford it. The outcome is they will die without their needed medication... culling the herd in ObamaSpeak if you will...and that equates to more monies saved on the ill and elderly that Obama can now use to buy even more votes for his party of opportunistic socialist traitors.

But wait, it gets original $31.99 ear drops with the manufacturer's coupon I was NOT told about would now with the coupon cost $140 at Walmart; would cost $170.13 at Publix; would cost $171.13 at Target; and would cost $175 through the mail-order company HealthWarehouse. But here's the original $31.99 Walgreens Rx ear drops would now with the manufacturer's coupon cost only $23.47 at CVS...$8.53 LESS than the original cost at Walgreens.

Greed and robbery and NOTHING less for if CVS can sell my Rx ear drops for a mere $23.47 and still make a profit that shows how much the ear drops really cost to make, and that shows the mark-up the other pharmacies have attached to the Rx NO matter with the manufacturer's coupon or without it. And with the great discrepancy in cost at the other pharmacies it boils down to the specific greed...the specific mark-up...each pharmacy is willing to stick to the customer.
And all this drug price manipulation has been for the most part kept from the public as it's buried deep within ObamaCare's over 2000 pages that the Democrats passed before reading it. Sure we know that drugs are marked up and NO one is denying a for-profit drug company from making a just and fair profit...after all new drugs are costly to develop and bring to market...but when out-of-line profits are made by greedy pharmacies whose corporate offices set the drug prices they charge their customers for something they just dispense and NOTHING more, that in my opinion is paramount to grand theft of the first degree.
Simply, it's NOT big pharma that is in cahoots with Obama and the left as most's the corporate headquarters of the pharmacies that set the prices they sell big pharma's drugs for, and the ObamaCare insurance companies that sell the policies that manipulate the prices that are to blame. But remember, to the rescue are the drug manufacturer's coupons that the pharmacies and insurance companies do NOT want you to know about (as it cuts into their profit margin) for there are coupons for almost every drug made including the ones used to treat cancer and heart just have to go online and search for them.
Search to get them and you too will be amazed by the price discrepancy in drug prices from pharmacy to pharmacy as those in cahoots with Obama try to manipulate and use the sick and elderly to keep the monstrosity that is ObamaCare afloat.
Here are two links to two different sites that offer literally thousands of manufacturer coupons that save you up to 75% on brand and generic prescription drugs, including drugs used to treat cancer, heart disease, and other major illnesses in addition to routine antibiotics and such: and
So the bottom line in all this is do NOT get sick for ObamaCare will get you one way or another...sad isn't it.
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