The Obama Doctrine Applied to Israel – EXPLAINEDBy Craig Andresen on July 28, 2014 at 5:15 am |
Most people would be apt to consider any farmer who was trying to milk a BULL to be a complete idiot but to be honest, it rather depends on who the farmer IS and the name of the bull….don’t you think?
Let me explain.
Let’s say, for instance, that the farmer is Barack Hussein Obama.
And, for the sake of argument, the BULL’S name is…Hamas.
Liberals…pay attention…this is for you…
Picture in your minds, Barack Hussein Obama sitting on one of those little three legged milking stools with a bucket, he’s got his hands up under that old bull…and he’s just a pullin’ and a pullin’ for what little he’s worth.
I think there’s two things here we should all be in agreement over.
1) What’s fillin’ that ol’ bucket ain’t nothing you’d want to be pourin’ on your Corn Flakes and…
2) That ol’ bull’s gonna be mighty appreciative.
There, in a nutshell, is the Obama doctrine as applied to the current situation between Israel and Hamas.
Perhaps a further explanation is needed…
Last week, try as he might, John Kerry was negotiating for some sort of a cease fire between Hamas and Israel on behalf of the Obama regime but exactly what sort of “DEAL” was he trying to make?
And in return, Israel would benefit from…a general discussion of “all of Israel’s security issues.”
Oh…It gets better…
To be sure…Hamas IS a terrorist organization and as liberals are apt to think that to be incorrect, perhaps they should have a look at Hamas’ designation as per John Kerry’s own State Department.
There, one will find Hamas, listed as a TERRORIST organization rather than a HUMANITARIAN organization. One ought not give HUMANITARIAN aid, $47 million dollars of humanitarian aid, to a bunch of barbarians because, simply put, they won’t USE it for HUMANITARIAN purposes.
Okay, back to the “negotiations” where Kerry, as per the Obama regime, set up Turkey and Qatar as the two primary representatives to decide how the “cease fire” and the “solutions” would be handled.
One doesn’t need to recede too terribly far back into history to get the picture of who THOSE players are. Turkey is the point of origin for…ISIS…the terrorist barbarians who are, even as you read this, exterminating any remaining Christians in Iraq and forming the new caliphate in that region of the world.
How nice.
Qatar, as you remember, was on the receiving end of a recent gift from the Obama regime…FIVE MEMBERS OF WHAT AMOUNTS TO THE TALIBAN WAR CABINET…released from GITMO and presented to Qatar in return for a deserter TO the Taliban…one Bowe Berghdal who is now happily back working a desk job for the U.S. military and expecting a check for his back pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000 taxpayer dollars.
Now then, I ask you…if Israel can’t count on two terrorist harboring and sponsoring countries like Qatar and Turkey to look out for their best interests in keeping Hamas, a terrorist organization with the murder of all Jews on a global scale and the total destruction of Israel written into its charter in check…who CAN they trust?
After all, there WILL BE a “general discussion of Israel’s security concerns” baked into the deal, after all.
And what of those many, MANY miles of Hamas tunnels? The tunnels used by Hamas to move around their weapons and terrorist strike forces? The tunnels, some of which actually extend INTO Israel? What of THOSE?
Well, in this terrorist protecting, terrorist negotiated 7 day cease fire proposal…Israel COULD keep their military personnel IN Gaza BUT…they would not be allowed to entertain ANY military operations INCLUDING the search for or destruction OF any of those tunnels.
Isn’t THAT charming? As Israel would be required to sit about doing nothing…Hamas would be free to shuffle their underground weapons from
place to place unfettered by restrictions.
Of course, I would be remiss not to mention that the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) also had a role in these “negotiations.”
Ban Ki-Moonbat weighed in stating: “While I understand how and why Israel has to respond militarily, there is a proportionality and … most of the death toll (has been) Palestinian people.”
Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly happy to finally know who’s behind the whole “we shouldn’t keep score in little league soccer games to protect the feelings of the youth” movement but allow me to explain something which, while important, may well come as a shock to Moon and 47% of the American populous but…
Besides…if Hamas would quit putting their rocket launchers in and around hospitals, schools (some of which are being run BY the United Nations of Thugs, Thieves and Despots) and neighborhoods and stop executing those of their own people who just want to get THE hell out of THERE and refuse to become human shield fodder for the media…maybe, just maybe, their civilian death toll wouldn’t be so high.
Just a thought.
But you see, we ARE talking about the Obama DOCTRINE here and wherever Obama can’t create a vacuum of power for terrorists to fill, he MUST try to stack the deck in FAVOR of the terrorists. The problem here is that Israel just won’t play along. Israel is fighting BACK and they’re kicking Hamas’ ass.
Think of this whole “cease fire negotiation” as the Obama Doctrine Contingency Plan.
Since Israel refuses to willingly leave to create the vacuum of power necessary, do everything possible to embed the terrorists IN Israel, fund them and use the media, both the international media and the Obama lapdog media to run propaganda on behalf of the terrorists and turn public opinion against Israel until the embedded terrorists, Hamas, can destroy Israel from within.
If the media, lapdog or international were actually doing their job, they would show you what’s REALLY going on but…since they WON’T…I WILL.
Now THAT’S what terrorist barbarians use $47 MILLION dollars of humanitarian aid for…door prizes.
They are a special people, aren’t they?
To be sure, the names assigned to the various terrorists and barbarians doesn’t mean a thing…al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban…those are just different names for the same basic thing…Islamic terrorists. They are all one and the same save little features and pet peeves.
That’s why Obama doesn’t care which group he’s backing at any particular moment as long as all of them have the same basic goal of wiping Israel, the Jews and oh yes…Christians from the map.
If you liberals out there think there is some fundamental, honorable difference between Hamas, who is trying their damnedest to kill all the Jews in the world and ISIS who is killing off all the Christians in Iraq, do tell what it is because, if Hamas is succes
sful in the murder of all Jews, they will simply reapply the same tactics to the Christians and if ISIS is successful in murdering all the Christians…THEY’LL reapply THEIR tactics against the Jews and sooner or later…THEY’LL BOTH BE COMING FOR ALL OF US IN THIS COUNTRY and trust me…they won’t give a DAMN who signed their humanitarian aid check.
Now then…one look at this photo of Prime Minister Netanyahu shaking hands with the ever so vapid John Kerry should tell everyone reading this article something very important…John Kerry is completely clueless and probably shouldn’t be allowed to try and negotiate for an extra roll of toilet paper for the men’s room at an all you can eat bean burrito buffet while Bibi, on the other side of the coin, knows exactly who that farmer is and exactly WHY that ol’ BULL has such a big smile on its face.
Excuse me, Mr. Kerry…would you care for some freshly squeezed…ummmmmmmm…”MILK” on your Corn Flakes?
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