No longer on the terrorist states list, Iran’s Military Leaders have created a book on strategy for attacking the United States via nuclear EMP
It’s something right out of a spy novel, after translating an Iranian secret military handbook US officials are on the alert about a possible nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that could send the United States back to the Stone Age.
This startling new information flies in the face of Iran’s supposed support for a peaceful nuclear resolution and only confirms what Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Congress about.
“Iranian military documents describe such a scenario — including a recently translated Iranian military textbook that endorses nuclear EMP attack against the United States,” said Dr. Peter Vincent, Executive Director of the task force on National and Homeland Security.
Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) is a leading authority in Congress working on protecting the U.S. electric grid from such an attack and has made similar claims relating to an Iranian attack. Sources say the Iranian textbook discusses EMP attacks on 20 American cities.
Not sure what an EMP does?
Here’s how it works:
When a nuclear bomb explodes, the first shock wave is a highly focused that transfers electronic energy in the form of microwaves to a target to damage or destroy it. After which, the next wave of the blast is the super heated air that destroys everything in its path.
An EMP is the first wave without the heat blast. It is designed to knock out critical electrical infrastructure to weaken a nation’s communication systems and even the energy we need to survive.
If attacked by EMP, either from an exploding nuclear weapon in the air above us, or from a direct hit by EMP the United States would be incredibly vulnerable to attack from other rouge nations and larger potential threats like Russia or China should they ever decide to strike us.
It’s no secret that Iran, North Korea as well as other nations in the East are particularly hostile to the United States and with nuclear talks between the Obama administration and Iran continuing, it’s frightening to think about what would happen should Obama actually give Iran the OK to develop this type of capability.
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