Monday, December 26, 2011

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Heads Up – The Cook The Books Campaign Is Underway

A brief email message from our longtime D.C. political operative tells us to watch for some serious polling data manipulation to favor the Obama presidency as 2012 is underway.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Not sure if you are abroad or not but wanted to get this message to you so you know what to specifically watch out for in the coming weeks and months. Got word there is a comprehensive polling and economic data program about ready to be launched via some administration operatives and particular media outlets. Big time cooking the books on this polling data they will be pushing out there soon.

Told Wapo will be one of if not the first. Urge you to read beyond the polling headline and you will find the facts behind the numbers. All campaigns attempt to do this kind of thing, but nobody gets away with it as much as the Obama administration. It will prove to be a huge obstacle for whoever the GOP nominee is. And this is just the start.

These polls are fabrications intended to shape public opinion. They are not reflections of public opinion. That make sense? The poll itself will be regurgitated to other secondary media. That is how we did it over and over again in 2007 and 2008. We used the polling to work against Hillary, and then we used the same platform of tricks to use against and paralyze the McCain campaign.

You have to find the actual polling data. It will be buried but you can find it easy enough once you figure out the links. Then go back and compare to previous polling and you’ll note the shift. That shift is proof of the dishonesty of the media. At least some of them. The Obama people fed them the request, and these polls will be used to paint the picture.

Just thought I’d give you the heads up on that. More to come in a couple weeks, maybe sooner. Been very busy trying to stay ahead of the administration on so many things. They must have hundreds of people running interference already. Everywhere I go, they are already there. Cannot be the work of the administration. Too incompetent and clumsy. Got other entities involved already in the day to day stuff.

FnF about to pay us big dividends though. Might not be quite enough, but the damage will be considerable. Got something else in the works as well. Hopefully the voters will be more clearheaded in 2012 than they were in ’08. So damn easy to fool back then. Scares me to think they will be again.

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