Thursday, December 13, 2012

Morning "Health" Idiocy

It's a good thing the Mayan End of The World is coming in a few days, because if it was not then I'd have trouble figuring out any sort of justification for this insanity:
The APA voted Dec. 1 to approve the DSM-5, which includes a brand new mental disorder called, “Dysruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder” (DMDD). This diagnosis will be applied to children and adolescents who show “persistent irritability and frequent episodes of behavior outbursts three or more times a week for more than a year.”
Oh really?
Dysruptice Mood Dysregulation eh?
So getting pissed off on a frequent basis is now an excuse to drug a kid?
What if being pissed off is entirely justified?  It often is, you know.  Even worse is that now this will start to show up in people's medical charts and histories, and soon will come not only the drugs but the societal sanctions -- or worse.
Many people who are angry have every reason to be angry.  In fact, this sort of crap makes me so angry that I'd like to see an asteroid land on the heads of every one of the head-shrinking c%%$-gobbling monkeys that penned this garbage.
But it doesn't stop with kids.  Oh no, the new DSM also says that if you suffered bereavement you can now be labeled as suffering from "major depression."  Oh really?  So now having someone you loved die is some sort of justification to have a psychiatric label applied to you? Gee, and people don't all eventually die, right?  Therefore we now can label everyone eventually, if we wait long enough -- unless we all live as hermits.
If you thought medical stupidity ended here, you'd be wrong.  I have an anonymous report that we now are providing work visas to Philippine RNs.  Now this wouldn't be bad except that we're not short of RNs.  What we are short of is RNs who will work for $17,000 a year, or $8.50/hour.
So when you can't pay someone pennies and get them to do the work you import someone from another land where they had nothing and pay them pennies instead.
Rather than break medical monopolies we instead allow the industry to screw both the buyer of care andthe people who provide it.
Now about that DSM "diagnosis" for people who frequently get pissed off......

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