Don’t we wish we could put today’s socialists into a time machine and send them 25 years into the future? Maybe 50 years?
Let them see what their policies will bring.
The bad news is that there are no time machines.
The good news is that we don’t need one.
For the last 40 or 50 years, our schools have been pumping out liberal morons brainwashed with the propaganda of socialism. Not everybody is easily stupefied but, those early least common denominators have now reproduced, passing along their collective ideas of collectivism and their children are now having children.
Those who were brainwashed by the first wave are now teachers themselves and the entitlement generations are starting to pile up.
And so, the teachers, via their union socialist thugs, are being fed a never ending buffet of class warfare pap which, no doubt, they are regurgitating into the already socialist soaked heads of today’s youth.
I’m going to give this to you in a nutshell and…
Since socialists are NUTS…
This SHOULD hit them where they live.
As a prime example, I give you this, from the California Teacher’s Union.
So dumbed down are today’s crop of socialist duped teachers that they can only have their attention held by a cartoon which, by the way, socialists would have not a single qualm showing to kids but…Try to take a classroom of young students to see a live performance of “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and see what happens.
So gullible are they that in learning about how “evil” rich people are, they buy into it even though the cartoon is narrated by the ultra-rich actor Ed Asner and produced by their own uber-rich Union and Union heads.
Yep. The union produces this, shows it to the teachers and low and behold…Guess what they will teach your children?
As I said, we don’t need a time machine to show these numb-nuts what THEIR policies, THEIR ideas, THEIR ideology and THEIR decisions will bring.
All we need to do is put them on a Canadian made campaign bus and drive them around.
Just a couple of years ago, a list was complied of America’s most poverty stricken large cities. A top ten of the bottom ten if you will.
They all have one thing in common.
Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961;
Buffalo, NY (2nd)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1954;
Cincinnati, OH (3rd)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1984;
Cleveland, OH (4th)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1989;
Miami, FL (5th)…has never had a Republican mayor;
St. Louis, MO (6th)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1949;
El Paso, TX (7th)… Has never had a Republican mayor;
Milwaukee, WI (8th)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1908;
Philadelphia, PA (9th)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1952;
Newark, NJ (10th)…hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1907.
Astonishing isn’t it? Each and every of the top 10 poorest cities in America is run by liberal/socialists.
More astonishing still is this:
These cities, at least 8 of the top 10, are dealing with second…Third…Fourth and in some cases…Fifth generation “disadvantaged” voters. It is these “disadvantaged” voters who, in order to make things better, started voting for democrats.
They voted for democrats and voted for democrats. You do the math and figure out how many election cycles are in 3 or 4 or 5 generations. They just keep voting and voting for more and more of the same old thing.
Take today’s socialist brain-dead Obama butt-kissing voters and send them to Detroit.
Let them see what THEIR ideals, ideologies, policies and decisions will bring on a national level.
It’s a cesspool of socialism.
Here is a Detroit City Councilwoman:
Typical isn’t it? They’ve run out of their own money due to graft, waste, stupid policies, unsustainable pension funds and socialist programs. Their population has dwindled, they’re shutting of more than half their streetlights because they can no longer afford the electricity and their schools are closing down.
Typical isn’t it? They’ve run out of their own money due to graft, waste, stupid policies, unsustainable pension funds and socialist programs. Their population has dwindled, they’re shutting of more than half their streetlights because they can no longer afford the electricity and their schools are closing down.
Now, according to this socialist Councilwoman…They want YOUR money.
Tell me…Where does it stop?
With the rest of the list above? What about destitute states like Illinois and California?
And where exactly, Councilwoman, does Obama get “HIS” money? From where exactly DOES that “bacon” come?
Why should people in Kansas, Arizona, Idaho, Alabama and all the other states bail out YOUR cesspool Detroit?
That IS from where your “bacon” comes you know. It comes from those who had NOTHING to do with the mess in which you, and previous generations of “disadvantaged” voters placed YOURSELVES.
Seriously…You socialists really ARE as dumb as a box of rocks.
The very policies YOU voted for in Detroit, election cycle after election cycle, generation after generation are the SAME exact policies socialists around the country voted for in 2008 and again in 2012.
You HAD bacon Detroit and now there’s nothing left of the pig but the oink and, given a rather short amount of time, the future of America under those exact same policies will leave the entire NATION with nothing but the oink.
If the rest of the country has to bail out every socialist controlled toilet who’s going to pay for all of their Obama phones and the massive amount of birth control required by Sandra Fluke???
The ongoing but never fulfilled promises of better times is the narcotic for which socialist junkies have been tweaking over the decades and generations.
It’s the bullshit in their Kool Aid and the monkey on their backs.
Just one more fix…Just one more…
Like crack addicts, socialists need enablers. If the teacher’s unions are the pushers, the media are their enablers.
Mainstream news media champions their socialists candidates but it’s not the news alone responsible for the dumbing down of the
socialist addicts.
It’s the media that makes “stars” of the cast of the Jersey Shore, makes heroes of the ilk of Charlie Sheen and now, Barbara Walters has Honey Boo Boo on HER list of the most fascinating people of 2012.
Honey Boo Boo??? FASCINATING???? Perhaps to those who aren’t bright enough to pull up their damned pants.
That’s setting the bar pretty low but, in the very near future, should socialists have THEIR way, generations will aspire to BE Honey Boo Boo.
Liberals have for decades, fostered the idea that someone or something else is always responsible for what goes wrong but never, NEVER the person ACTUALLY responsible.
Somebody hacked the Peter Tweeter’s Twitter account. Guns are responsible for murders. The economy is all Bush’s fault. Nobody arrested on “Cops” has any idea HOW the bag of crack got into their underwear and Nidal Hasan’s Ft. Hood rampage was “workplace violence.”
Who exactly is responsible for Fast and Furious? The socialist Emperor loked that evidence away.
A You Tube video has been blamed for what happened in Benghazi.
You don’t have to travel to the future to see what happens when you spend decades removing any aspect of God from schools and the public square, reward kids with trophies regardless of the outcome of the game and adults with a Nobel prize for what they have never done, teach yesterday’s children who have become today’s adults that there’s nothing wrong with killing the unborn and condemn America for its exceptionalism.
Just look around in the here and now.
It wasn’t the culture of liberal/progressive/socialism instilled in those who feel entitled to everything others have worked for and have no respect for human life that killed Jovan Belchers girlfriend and the mother of his baby. It was the “Gun Culture” that did it.
As Conservatives, we hold our military as heroes. Socialists make heroes of those who occupy a park and crap on cop cars.
As Conservatives we look to our founders and framers to guide us to a better future.
Socialists look to Hollywood where Michael Moore recently made a movie excoriating those who use taxpayer money to build their fortunes but, Moore HIMSELF used $841,000.00 of the taxpayer’s money to MAKE that movie.
Don’t let the hypocrisy bother you.
As Conservatives, we stand with Israel.
Socialists stand with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.
Conservatives champion opportunities while socialists champion entitlements. Conservatives have Lincoln, Churchill, Thatcher and Reagan while socialists have Marx, Castro, Chavez, Mao and Che Guevara.
As conservatives, we want fewer poor people.
Socialists want fewer rich people.
Conservatives know that growing our economy and cutting government spending will ensure a prosperous future.
Socialists think that taxing the rich to offset 8 1/2 days of government will make everything better.
As Conservatives, we believe if we’re NOT rich it’s because we haven’t WORKED hard enough yet.
Socialists who aren’t rich are convinced they haven’t been GIVEN enough yet.
With all due respect to Doc Brown, we don’t need a DeLorean to see the future of socialist policies, culture, ideas, ideologies and practices.
We have Detroit.
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