For their own good, I made sure their weapons were taken away.
I relegated them to the status of 3rd class citizens while I rallied the people to my issues.
I told them we would dominate and that the government would protect them.
For their own safety, I rounded them up. I took them from their homes and from their work and I sent them to places where we could guarantee they would be kept from harm.
When they arrived at their destinations, I took their belongings and removed their individual identities. I shaved their heads and humiliated them. I took their clothes and I separated them from their families.
Those who were weak or old or too young were sent to one side while those, able bodied, were sent to work.
The able bodied never saw the old and weak or their children again.
I enslaved them.
I starved them.
The goal was to wipe them out. To rid the world of their kind. To do the rest of mankind a favor. That was the goal.
We experimented on them.
We subjected them to unspeakable horrors.
We started killing them.
We put them in rooms and dropped pellets, poison pellets, gas, into the packed rooms.
They screamed, begged, pleaded before they fell silent.
We burned their bodies and threw what was left into pits and trenches.
The fires burned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day, every week, year after year.
Then, I sped up the process. I started shooting them. I pushed bodies onto the bodies that covered the ashes.
I murdered 6 million before I was stopped. 6 million. Nearly a quarter of all of them on earth.
My name is Holocaust.

I am old. As old as the sand.
I have been persecuted for as long as I can remember.
My children have been chased from their homes, from their land, my land. They have been held as slaves and they have wandered the deserts for 40 years.
Their laws, 10 of them, are shared by many today.
The ancestors of my children and the ancestors of those who disagree with us share common bonds, a common history and common lands. Other great religions have come from my children and, at times, even they were at odds.
My children have been conquered, driven away, scattered but always, over the millennia, they have found their way home.
More than 3 decades ago, my children made peace with their most long standing enemy. An enemy who held captive my children when the pyramids were new and before that as well.
Peace. The peace no one thought possible. Enemies became friends.
There is nothing of worth on or under my land but for my children. Their worth is great as is their knowledge. They help to solve the issues that plague man’s health and create the things that help people the world over, thrive.
My children, in my name, would offer to all their enemies the peace thought to be impossible would those who deem them enemies simply acknowledge my children’s right to exist.
My children have been murdered, imprisoned, enslaved and displaced but, they have been from the beginning and will be until the end, God’s chosen and, while patient beyond comprehension, I will protect them with force.
Cross my red line, push me too far, attack me and I will give better than I got.
My name is Israel.
Holocaust failed. Miserably.

I will not acknowledge such failure as, to do so, would lend credence to the little Satan.
I will succeed where others have failed.
The cowards dare not challenge me. Not the little not the great Satan.
I will build the weapons of Israel’s destruction but I will tell the world I will use the power peacefully.
Sanction me all you want. I laugh at your attempts to stop me. I will let my own people suffer your wrath but I will continue toward my goal.
I will use the world’s stage, in my enemy’s home, to disparage them and my targets and they are powerless to stop me from doing so.
Israel. Filth.
I will wipe them from the map.
Attack ME? You will raise the ire of my friends and they are many. They grow in numbers and in power and they attack our enemies while hiding behind the innocent.
Let the curs talk of their victories. Let them think they have hurt us. They create martyrs and we grow stronger.
They could defeat us had they courage but their lack OF it will be THEIR end.
Where others have tried to kill Israel one infidel at a time, or take them as slaves, I will rain upon them death in their own homes.
I will use their diplomacy against them and with it, I will delay their frustration, their ire, and provide them a false sense of power.
I’m almost ready. Nearly capable of striking the great blow.
The great Satan is weary of war and their leader, such as he is, has neither the will not the stomach to stand against HIS ideology to help the little Satan.
All I need, all I require, to finish what others began, is time.
Just a little more time and space.
My name is Iran.

There is time and space for diplomacy to work.
I champion my sanctions against the people of Iran.
I told the world that he who kept the peace with the children of Israel had to go and that the enemies of Israel’s children should have a seat at the table.
Democracy I called it.
Now that democracy in Egypt has turned to Dictatorship, I am silent.
I have armed the enemies of Israel and our enemies too.
I have given the new Dictator air and ground power.
On the world’s stage, I champion those for statehood who refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist and support those whose charter calls for the killing of all the children of Israel.
I went to visit Israel when it was expedient for me to do so but I have not returned since.
I tell my own people that our enemies in the region are nearly vanquished though it is not the truth.
I have told others who do not like the leader of Israel that I like him less.
When he came to my home, I made him wait.
I told him to draw back to his nation’s borders as they existed before 1967 and he told me those borders were indefensible…As though I was unaware of that fact.
I will financially decimate my own military and, should I have my way, the man who will lead that military will challenge neither me nor the enemies of Israel.
He has as much use for standing with Israel as do I.
I will deceive many with my hollow threats to control Iran but, Iran knows better because when the people OF Iran arose, I did nothing.
My name is Obama.
There is no more time and space. There never was.
Diplomacy has no effect where we have no diplomatic relations and little more where we do in countries that don’t like is.
Israel has been far, FAR too patient but that is their way.
WE have the ability to deter Iran on our own or, at the very least, assist Israel in doing so militarily.
Mr. Netanyahu drew a red line and Iran is nearly ready to cross it.

If we ignore the situation, if we do nothing, if we allow Iran to finish their plans, their weapons, it will be too late.
We made that same mistake with North Korea.
Have we learned nothing?
We waited too long to enter WWII.
Have we learned nothing?
The religion of Israel is not mine but I will stand with them as we fear the same God, share the same enemies and value the same freedoms.
Followers “lead from behind” but cower in the face of taking real action. Neither words nor sanctions will stop Iran but action, decisive military action will if it is undertaken in time.
Those in a position of leadership must lead and if they falter, hesitate or refuse to act at all, they should be judged by man to be guilty of genocide and will be so judged by history and God.
My name is Never Again.
My friends call me…Patriot….And I WILL Stand With Israel.