Yesterday…The Emperor granted to Pravda and Fox News, a Propaganda Conference.
How nice.
Throughout his telling of lies, The Emperor continually referred to raising the debt ceiling and the Republicans desire NOT to do so, as going to a restaurant and not paying the bill.
Excuse me but…If I didn’t have the money…If YOU didn’t have the money…WE wouldn’t GO to a restaurant for dinner.
At one point, the Emperor actually quoted John Boehner during LAST year’s debt ceiling debate in order to make his point on why there should be no argument about doing it AGAIN.
Ummm…Excuse me AGAIN but…
Back in 2006…The Emperor HIMSELF said…and I quote…
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
I mean if we’re going to bandy about quotes regarding the debt ceiling which is directly relatable to our debt…
Let’s get the Emperor’s quotes out there too.
Yesterday, the Emperor said of raising the debt ceiling:
“While I’m willing to compromise and find common ground over how to reduce our deficit, America cannot afford another debate with this Congress over how to pay the bills they’ve already racked up. To even entertain the idea of this happening, of America not paying its bills, is irresponsible. It’s absurd.”
Ehhhh…Pardon me once again but…
There ya have it…in the Emperor’s very own words…He’s an absurd, irresponsible leadership failure.
Now…Using the Emperor’s own SCENARIOS…How far into debt could YOU, as a CITIZEN, go before there would be BIG trouble?
YOU go out to a restaurant and after dinner, while you’re waiting for one last cup of coffee…YOU call your banker and ask for a loan, get it, and then…Pay the check. You DON’T pay off the loan and next week, you go out for dinner AGAIN and, just like before, you call your banker, get ANOTHER loan…and pay the bill.
You continue to do this over and over and over…Until YOU owe YOUR banker $16.5 TRILLION DOLLARS and…There you are…AGAIN…dabbing at the corner of your pie hole with a linen napkin while the waiter hovers over you and the check and YOU whip out YOUR free Obamaphone and hit 1-Call because by now, you’ve got the banker on SPEED DIAL…
Be sure to leave a handsome tip so that your waiter can buy a treadmill for his pet shrimp.
Oh…There’s GONNA be TROUBLE…
Here’s a little something else to chew on while the banker tells you NO…
The Emperor ALSO has been making a point, since last November 6th, that “The American People spoke on November 6th and THEY agree with ME…”
Seriously, it’s getting as old as hearing Charlie Sheen say “WINNING” while he was losing his job, his house, his car, his MIND…
Yeeeaaahhhh…Excuse ME but…
The American people…50.97% of them…DID reelect the Emperor however…The American people ALSO reelected a majority of Republicans to the HOUSE where SPENDING…REVENUE and THE PURSE STRINGS are controlled SOOOOOOO…
When the Emperor said, “That view (the Conservative view) was rejected by the American people when it was debated during the presidential campaign,” he CONVENIENTLY forgot to mention, THE SAME CONSERVATIVE VIEW WAS ACCEPTED WHEN IT WAS DEBATED DURING THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CAMPAIGN!!!
Unless YOU, the EMPEROR, are saying that YOU have been decreed the DICTATOR and YOU get to do and spend ANY OLD THING OR AMOUNT you want…
The TRUTH of the matter is that the MAJORITY of the HOUSE, where SPENDING is controlled was, IN FACT, elected by those who directly DISagree with you so…
DO S-H-U-T the hell UP you arrogant, bombastic SOCIALIST!!!!!
Here’s an idea…Rather than raise the debt ceiling how about CUTTING all funding from the EPA, The Department of Education and HUD to pay the bills?
If that’s not enough…DROP THE FUNDING FOR SANDRA FLUKE’S BIRTH CONTROL…That ALONE should cover things for DECADES.
Regarding “gun control” the Emperor had THIS to say at yesterday’s propaganda event: “We’re going to have to come up with answers that set politics aside, and that’s what I expect Congress to do.”
“POLITICS” it seems is the Emperor’s new word for “THE CONSTITUTION.”
He continued: “Will all of them get through this Congress? I don’t know. But what’s uppermost in my mind is making sure I’m honest with the American people and Congress about what I think will work.”
Please substitute “BE DECREED” for the word “work.”
Proving that all those “meetings” crazy Joe had last week were just for show…
The Emperor stated that Biden had, “presented me now with a list of sensible common-sense steps…”
Ummm…Excuse me AGAIN but…Didn’t Biden say last week that he’d be presentING the Emperor with a list of proposals TODAY???
Let’s see…Right after the gaftastic Biden stated, “We know there is no silver bullet” for stopping gun violence he said, ragarding a timeline to get his report to the Emperor, “I’M SHOOTING…FOR TUESDAY.”
PresentED is PAST TENSE isn’t it???
The Emperor uttered and sputtered, “Even the slightest hint of some sensible, responsible legislation in this area fans this notion that somehow, here it comes, everybody’s guns are going to be taken away.”
Now then…Take your “Gun Salesman of the Year” award and DO…S-H-U-T the HELL up.
If you didn’t think I could tie both ends of the Emperor’s Crock of Crap together…Think again.
The Emperor says we must pay the bills for the things we’ve already purchased AND he says he will use his pen to dictate gun control…Correct?
He ALSO just used his pen to assure that HE and future presidents will have the protection, paid for by taxpayers who had no say in the matter, of those armed with the very guns he doesn’t want YOU to have…The Secret Service which, by coincidence, FAILED to pay for the prostitute from whom they had ALREADY racked…up a bill.
According to the Emperor…
Apparently…What’s good for the goose is NOT…
Good for the…GOOSED.
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