Thursday, January 26, 2012

Judge to Rule AGAINST Obama Eligibility in Georgia? Developing…

For those who have long contested the validity of Barack Obama’s eligibility to run for President of the United States, the legal hearing in Georgia earlier today was the first true and legitimate forum upon which to prove that case. The question remains though – now what?

The evidence and arguments raised by the ineligible proponents were compelling. They included the following as entered into the legal record:

-Barack Obama Sr. was not a United States citizen at the time of Barack Obama’s birth. This claim is substantiated not only be Barack Obama’s own words, but immigration documents as well.

-Barack Obama Sr’s non-citizen status would potentially disqualify Barack Obama from holding the office of U.S. President if the following definition is applied:

To be a natural born citizen, one must have 2 parents who, at the time of the birth in question, be citizens of the United States. As Obama’s father was not a citizen, the argument is that Obama, constitutionally, is ineligible to serve as President.

-The Democratic National Committee’s own election certification language never indicated the eligibility status of Barack Obama – while the RNC language did. The discrepancy has never been fully explained by those involved. (Nancy Pelosi etc.)

-Barack Obama’s Social Security number appears to be fraudulent – or if not, legal representatives for Obama have yet to explain the discrepancy:

The number used or attached to Obama in 1979, sows that Obama was born in the 1890. This shows that the number was originally assigned to someone else who was indeed born in 1890 and should never have been used by Obama.

-A document imaging expert indicated the following regarding the released image of Barack Obama’s birth certificate:

The birth certificate, posted online by Obama, is suspicious. States white lines around all the type face is caused by “unsharp mask” in photo shop. Testifies that any document showing this, is considered to be a fraud.

-Information pertaining to Mr. Sotoroe who adopted Barack Obama, has been redacted from immigration records – a highly unusual occurrence.

It should be noted that Barack Obama’s legal representatives simply ignored this morning’s hearing. Such an act is an obvious attempt to dismiss the claims of those who testified in the matter as some silly sideshow undeserving of any attention.

That tone will surely change though if Judge Michael Malihi’s impending ruling gives any legal support for the eligibility claims issued in court today. The courage to make such a ruling would be considerable, and would certainly face immediate and aggressive legal challenge by the Obama administration.

…Game On?


UPDATE: Rumors now circulating there will be a default judgement against Barack Obama – that he will NOT be allowed on the Georgia ballot.

If true…GAME ON indeed.

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