Monday, July 30, 2012

Whatever happened to “do the math?”

Whatever happened to “do the math?”
I’m not suggesting calculators, slide rules, or abaci, just normal common sense responses of indignation at the arrogant and ignorant actions by the current administration, enabled by the ineffectual likes of John Boehner and John McCain, whose spines quiver like Jell-o every time an act of statesmanship is in order.
At a time when a shadow government has been installed before their very eyes and key government positions have been filled by avowed Muslims and Communists, we have McCain telling Michelle Bachmann to stand down instead of pursuing the truth in fulfillment of her sworn responsibility as a member of the House Intelligence Committee, and Boehner running a squeeze-play to force her off the playing field. Why? For questioning the vetting process and family ties of Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, whose family are active and influential members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood? That makes as little sense as FDR retaining key members in his administration with ties to Hirohito or Hitler, or any number of presidents during the Cold War adding staff whose parents were in the KGB, then acting appalled at questions about propriety, notwithstanding national security.
Thankfully, Representative Bachmann and other patriotic members of her committee carry an inborn immunity to the newly discovered Boehner’s Disease, the symptoms of which are an increase in timidity, cowardice, and dereliction of duty which rise in direct proportion to confronting reality and the enemy.
Jihad is often misconstrued as being associated solely with violence, when in fact it is an obligation and religious duty of Muslims to overthrow and convert anything and anyone through any means “to command what is right and forbid what is wrong,” which is a mumbo-jumbo and rationalized way of saying “my way, or the highway,” for flexibility and tolerance only exist within the religion’s narrow and self-created prism of rank subjectivity. Clearly, the steep and slippery slope newer members of Congress must scale is compounded in difficulty by an old guard reluctant to engage in the defense of personal liberties and national security, and exacerbated by this administration’s flagrant circumvention of Congress and The Constitution.

Consider: the previous four presidential administrations, covering a period of 28 years, signed 81 Executive Orders, and that Mr. Obama has blatantly and perniciously in three and one half years already signed 130 such orders and assembled 45 Czars, with the express intent of illicitly centralizing power in the Executive Branch while simultaneously neutering Congress.
There has been so much pussy-footing around the Obama Debacle that it is long past time to mince words and for Congress to embrace its responsibilities with decisive action. Randomly without ranking in order the level of devastation, we are now being ruled instead of governed; we have egregious security leaks that have imperiled thecountry, its operatives, and allies; the fifth consecutive year of Pelosi/Reid/Obama trillion dollar budgetary overruns impedes short and long term economic viability; and taxes that could not be passed legislatively against high-income achievers have been woven into and litter a bill purporting to improve health care. All this at a time when impeachment should be under urgent consideration, indictments and arrests should be issued for treason, and an immediate and entire rescindment of Obamacare should take place until a decade worth of independent studies have been performed in order to weigh the damage government interference will have on health care delivery.
Instead of following the daft and condescending advice of a seditious Nancy Pelosi suggesting the need to pass a law so we know what is in it, how about trying something new, such as learning about the damaging effects of decreased competition and addressing the gross and historical ineptitude of government management? Then we won’t have to read a bill to find out what is in it; we’ll know enough about the detrimental nature of passing such a bill and avoid another government-run fiscal catastrophe.
Obviously, our intelligence apparatus has been jeopardized, and the problem now is to determine to what degree and by whom and how many, and because acceptable vetting procedures were not followed due to end runs around long-standing practices designed to protect, the inevitable compromise has occurred. Predictably, yet incomprehensibly, the designated enemies of this administration are sovereign states, and gun-owning Christians who have been labeled as domestic terrorists by the Director of Homeland Security. Meanwhile the administration is peddling the ruse that domestic drone spying is required for intelligence purposes and forbidding tweeting and texting during speeches by Joe Biden, an infringement upon free speech and the first step toward censorship of untold dimensions. In his spare time, Mr. Obama has also through some heretofore unknown means managed to funnel $1.5 Billion to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a group our country has long-maintained is a worldwide terroristic organization.
The move toward having more welfare recipients than taxpayers is accelerating due to unilateral and illegal efforts by the administration to grant amnesty and overload the democratic base via executive fiat, (an inconsistent process in our country, should you need a reminder) which when accomplished will render the 49% who do pay as nothing more than indentured servants of the government for those who do not pay and have no inclination to pay as long as they continue to receive freebies, for you must not forget, according to this Marxist president, business success was not the result of innovation, endless toil, and bold risk-taking; it grew ONLY at the expense of others and is now considered nothing more than a pawn on a chessboard whose profits are there for the government to usurp and redistribute.
Through it all, Boehner sits like a clay dummy until he’s beckoned to caddy another round for the president, and John McCain strives daily to become an even bigger embarrassment to his party. The border of the state he claims to represent is a virtual war zone; Arizona has been sued by the federal government and summarily cut off from federal aid to fight terror, and McCain remains idly mute unless he is placating the administration and rationalizing the maintenance of an ever-sinking status quo.
And in what could be the most sicko-ironic-twist of all time, McCain, through unmitigated pomposity, morphs into Jane Fonda by castigated a ranking member of the Intelligence Committee for valid questions about nationalsecurity, suggesting that such concerns are unfounded, implying- ala- Jane that there is not a real and present danger, and that the enemy should be coddled because it is largely misunderstood.
Are you coming up with the same numbers as I?
Math class is dismissed.

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