To understand the whole Benghazi mess, I mean, REALLY understand it, one has to look at it from several points of reference.
If, after reading this, you feel there is nothing here to get worked up over, you’re simply not paying attention.
I will admit that I have followed this with a greater intensity than many but, for a damned good reason.
I have gone so far as to call this treason and, I stand by that call but, as Catherine Herridge, Jennifer Griffen and others at Fox News reveal pieces of the puzzle, my job of connecting the dots into a picture becomes more and more disturbing.
Let’s break this cover-up down.
The Pre Attack Scandal.
In the weeks and months leading to the 9-11 attack in Benghazi, things were far from “optimal.”
We had to sneak our Ambassador, Chris Stevens, into Libya on a Cargo ship because, we are told, it was just too dangerous to get him there any other way.
For approximately 16 months, since the killing of Gaddafi, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya.
Of those 234 attacks, 48 took place in Benghazi.
There were 2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador.
The Red Cross had been attacked.
Then, both the British and the Red Cross pulled out of Benghazi…
While all of this was taking place, the professionals charged with security for the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, the Consulate in Benghazi and Ambassador Stevens’ personal security had communicated with the State Department for added security personnel and upgrades to the buildings.
Each time they requested more security, they were denied and nothing was done to make the buildings safer or to bring them up to standards of safety as prescribed by the State Department. All the while, the situation became more and more dangerous and the flag of al Qaeda was seen over many government building IN Benghazi.
Obama, his campaign and his administration were actively engaged in the denials of extra security and, in fact, one month before the attack, in what could only be described as a hostile zone, the Security team was DOWNSIZED.
This means that the first segment of the Benghazi scandal involves making our Ambassador, State Department personnel and our Consulate in Benghazi a direct target for our enemies.
Late last night it was revealed that a cable, sent from the Regional security Officer in Benghazi, outlined again, not only the need for physical upgrades to security at the Consulate but the need for added security personnel. That
cable also detailed the situation in Benghazi was going from bad to worse. The cable mentioned, among others, Ansar al-Sharia, as a growing threat. Ansar al-Sharia is an al Qaeda affiliate and the group now believed responsible for the 9-11 deadly terrorist attack.
The cable also stated clearly that the Consulate could NOT withstand a coordinated attack and that the RSO would…AGAIN…make a formal request for upgraded security.
Now, here’s the kicker…
This is far more than ineptitude and far more than ignoring the situation in Benghazi because it didn’t fit the Obama political narrative.
The picture emerging from the individual pieces of the puzzle is one of the most disturbing I have ever seen and I don’t have any other way to explain this.
Our people, in Benghazi, were set up by our own government.
So far, Obama, his campaign and his administration have covered up the details of the meeting between our Ambassador and the Turkish diplomat and, as orders for military deployment and/or intervention would have had to come from the very top, the 3 stand down orders had to have come from Obama as he watched the attack in Benghazi from the White House Situation room.
As you can see from the video, there is a report out there that Stevens was brokering an arms deal…sending shoulder fired missiles and RPG’s to Syrian rebels via a Turkish conduit. We also know that more than 20,000 such weapons that we gave to rebels in Libya are missing.
It is reasonable to believe that Obama, his campaign and his administration are covering up an arms deal gone bad in the effort to arm Syrian rebels who, we know, are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaeda/al Qaeda affiliates including Ansar al-Sharia who attacked the Consulate in Benghazi.
It is reasonable to believe that Obama, his campaign and his administration are covering up an arms deal gone bad in the effort to arm Syrian rebels who, we know, are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or al Qaeda/al Qaeda affiliates including Ansar al-Sharia who attacked the Consulate in Benghazi.
After the Attack.
The day AFTER the attack and killing of 4 Americans, Obama stood in the Rose Garden and generically spoke of terrorism but never directly linked Benghazi to an act of terrorism. After the Rose Garden Speech, Obama flew to Las Vegas for a fund raiser.
In the days and weeks that followed, Obama, his campaign and his administration continued to blame a You Tube video for the attack.
As Obama and Hillary stood in front of the 4 caskets, Hillary blamed the You Tube video. Jay Carney blamed the video several times from the press briefing room. Susan Rice blamed the video on 5 Sunday shows. Obama blamed the video at the U.N. and Letterman and other shows.
Soon, the official line was that we are still investigating…Fog of War…sketchy intell…we’ll find who is responsible and bring them to justice.
Soon, the official line was that we are still investigating…Fog of War…sketchy intell…we’ll find who is responsible and bring them to justice.
This was the Cover-Up of which we became aware and the one most are following today but, as we are learning, the scandal runs very, very deep.
This is, in fact,an UMBRELLA Cover-Up.
Under the umbrella, we have the willful downsizing of security in the face of repeated requests from security professionals on the ground for UPGRADED security and the knowledge by Hillary Clinton that Benghazi had become a hotbed of terrorist activity as the cable of August 16th, address directly to her office, detailed.
Willfully making out own people sitting targets for the enemy is treason.
Also under the umbrella is the probable illicit arms dealings, by which Obama and his administration were actively arming rebels, affiliated with al Qaeda…OUR ENEMY IN A TIME OF WAR…in much the same way as they had armed some of the same factions in Libya prior to the removal of Gaddafi from power.
Arming the enemy is an act of treason.
As the RSO and others charged with security compelled the State Department over and over again to add to security and were
denied,in fact, by having security purposefully DOWNGRADED, the only reasonable conclusion, especially considering the August 16th cable, is that our top government officials WANTED that Consulate attacked.
KNOWING full well that there is not enough security personnel to protect the Consulate or our people there…KNOWING full well that terrorist activity is increasing in Benghazi…KNOWING full well that the compound can’t withstand an assault…KNOWING full well that by DOWNGRADING security you are making the Consulate and our people there MORE accessible as targets to our enemies is in and of itself, an act of treason.
And we have, also under the umbrella,the 3 stand down orders.
The fact that our military was not allowed to assist Americans being attacked by the enemy when we had ready strike teams, ground intell from the scene of the battle, laser designators painting the enemy positions, and the fire power necessary to repell the attack within 2 hours of a battle which lasted 7 hours…AND ORDERED THEM ALL TO STAND DOWN…thus allowing the enemy freedom to continue their attack on Americans and American assets…
Is treason.
From the legal definition of treason, “If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.”
The maximum penalty for treason is death and the minimum is 5 years in federal prison.
A set up?
Consider this…
During the attack in Benghazi, Gereral Carter Ham, in charge of AFRICOM, had a quick response team available and ready to deploy to Benghazi. General Ham was hearing the same calls for help, in real-time, as were being heard in the State Department and in the White House.
HE was also, like Tyrone Woods, ordered to STAND DOWN.
Reprotedly, General Ham was about to, just like Tyrone Woods, defy that order when, suddenly, he was r
elieved of his command. 1 day later, General Carter Ham “retired” just a few months SHORT of his mandatory retirement age of 64.
Or…He was fired.
Who exactly IS General Carter Ham?
A 4 star General with 40 years in service to his nation.
He has commanded the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, the U.S. Army in Europe and AFRICOM.
General Ham served in Desert Storm, Operation Able Sentry, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Liberty Dawn.
General Carter Ham has won the Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and the Army Achievement Medal.
General Ham would NOT defy a direct order without a DAMNED good reason would he?
There are only 2 ways the “stand Down” orders could have been given. Either Obama ordered that help be sent to Benghazi and Panetta defied that order and told those involved to “stand down” or…Obama gave the “stand down” order to Panetta who passed it along to those involved.
It is also HIGHLY unlikely that General Ham would have been shoved out the door had he obeyed the order given by the president.
General Ham could have either obeyed the stand down order and become a willing participant in treason or disobey the stand down order and put 40 years and 4 stars on the line.
HE chose HONOR over TREASON.
Now…Convince me that our people in Benghazi were not set up for an attack.
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