A word of warning to the Whiny Weasels of Socialism.
Be careful what you vote for…You may just get it and WHEN you get exactly that for which you voted…DON’T START WHINING ABOUT IT!!!
9 days ago, socialists voted for the Emperor and now, they’re starting to realize the fruits of their labors.
Lots of them.
Socialists now want to boycott Papa John’s and Applebees because they are cutting work hours of their employees. They say such a move is…Un-American.
Socialists think something is Un-American???
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.
Let’s use Papa John’s as our example.
Here is a company which started when somebody decided there was a better way to make pizza. Fresh instead of frozen ingredients, a great sauce a great crust and a great price.
A classic AMERICAN idea.
It grew because people who like pizza liked the complete Papa John’s recipe.
It grew and grew. People wanted to own their OWN Papa Johns and franchises were sold.
Very American.
After the expenses, ingredients, building and real estate costs, insurance, equipment, EMPLOYEES, taxes etc…The typical franchisee had…HAD a profit margin of around 10%.
Now, because of increased regulations, hikes in the minimum wage, rising insurance costs and the clamping down on business loans, higher costs due to rising gas prices for delivery of goods and delivery of pizzas…Over the last 4 years…The average franchisee NOW has a profit margin of…2%.
Along comes Obamacare.
If you have more than 50 full-time employees…YOU GET PENALIZED!!!
THAT is UN-American.
There are 21 new taxes in Obamacare and some of those hit companies like Papa John’s and their franchisees.
NOW…You have the Emperor wanting to HIKE TAXES on those making $250,000.00 and up and THAT will hit Papa John’s small business owners.
Penalizing success with higher taxes is…UN-American.
Here’s where Papa John’s is standing tall.
They realize that the same vise THEY’RE in is also squeezing ALL Americans. High unemployment, high gas prices, shrinking incomes, uncertainty, rising food prices, rising insurance costs…ALL Americans are getting hit.
This is why Papa John’s doesn’t just simply jack up the price of a pie. If they did THAT…LESS people would be BUYING their pizza for dinner.
Papa John’s had a choice to make and cutting workers HOURS made a whole lot more sense to this family oriented company than cutting jobs all together!!!
Socialists…YOUR anger is misplaced.
Boycott Papa John’s???
You were also warned.
Before the election, Papa John himself told you what was likely to happen if you voted for the Emperor.
To expect a company, ANY company to swallow these forced increases in the cost of doing business…FORCED BY THE VERY GOVERNMENT YOU VOTED FOR…is UN-AMERICAN.
No business is IN business to break even or lose money regardless of what YOU might think and Papa John’s, as a company, is doing EVERYTHING they can to keep people employed and keep their prices to their customers affordable.
That IS American.
And now, Alinsky’s marching minions want to BOYCOTT???
Are they going to boycott NBC too?
NBC is currently laying off hundreds of employees. Their slew of broadcast outlets are hurting. NBC, Syfy, Bravo, USA, Oxygen, E! and
Style are all in the process of layoffs. No more “Attack of the Show” no more “X Play” and other shows are also on the chopping block.
NBC…Obama’s seat cushion and top promoter can’t handle the effects of…Obama.
If socialists are going to boycott Papa John’s, they must also boycott all NBC outlets as well.
And then there’s Stryker.
Stryker is a company which manufactures hospital beds, medical cameras, artificial joints and medical software and other various equipment used in the medical field.
Remember those 21 new taxes in Obamacare?
Well…One of those hits HARD at companies that manufacture MEDICAL EQUIPMENT and another, the one that imposes penalties against ANY company employing more than 50 full-timers ALSO comes into effect.
Stryker is laying off 1,700 employees because they simply can’t afford to do business as usual any longer.
Are socialists also going to boycott anything made by Stryker?
If they’re going to boycott papa John’s they should ALSO find a way to do without hospital beds, medical cameras, artificial joints and
medical software REGARDLESS of their afflictions or the health afflictions of their loved ones.
Yes…Jon Stryker of the Stryker company is the EXACT same Jon Stryker who was Obama 5th largest campaign donor.
Not only did Jon Stryker VOTE for these layoffs…HE PAID FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF LAYING 1,700 EMPLOYEES OFF and the very same people who want to boycott Papa Johns APPLAUDED the massive campaign donations Stryker made to the Emperor.
Okay, back to Papa John’s.
The whiny little socialists pushing this absurd boycott ALSO have their little girl panties in a wad because Papa John’s is giving away 2 million free pizzas and, according to the socialist plague, if they can afford that they shouldn’t be cutting worker’s hours.
The same ilk that demands free cell phones, free birth control, free healthcare and any number of entitlements is against free pizzas?
Listen up socialist twirps.
The free Papa John’s pizza thing is called marketing. Papa John’s is gambling that by giving away 2 million pizzas, a big enough number to get people’s attention, will bring in MORE business and MORE profits than the cost OF those 2 million pizzas.
What’s more, they’re making this gamble WITH THEIR OWN MONEY so it is nothing like the Obama gamble on companies like Solyndra, Abound, Beacon and so many more where HE used OUR money and THOSE companies went BANKRUPT.
Allow me to put this in the glaring light of TRUTH…
You socialist weasels…What exactly do you think Obama is doing with “free” cell phones, “free” birth control, “free” healthcare and Amnesty by decree…The “Dream Act?”
Papa John’s gives away 2 million free pizzas and in return, HE hopes to get more business.
And Here’s the difference…
And the socialists support the illegal activity and want to boycott a company trying to live the REAL American Dream.
Here is just a PARTIAL list of companies for socialists to boycott because THESE companies are laying off workers due to Obamacare, Obama taxes and Obama’s reelection:
• US Cellular -
• Rocketdyne -
• Brake Parts -
• Husqvarna -
• Bristol-Meyers -
The Following is a PARTIAL list of companies that socialists CAN’T boycott because…THEY ARE CLOSING COMPLETELY due to the reelection of the Emperor:
- Caterpillar Inc. will close its plant in Owatonna Minn.
- Mount Pleasant’s Albrecht Sentry Foods
- The Target store at Manassas Mall Va.
- Millennium Academy in Wake Forest NC
- Target Closing Kissimmee FL Location
- The Andover Gift Shop in Andover MA
- Grand Union Family Markets Closing Storrs Location CT
- Movie Scene Milford Location NH
- Update: TE Connectivity Closing Greensboro Plant – 620 Layoffs Expected
- Gomer’s Fried Chicken in South Kansas City
- Kmart in Homer Glen
- Fresh Market on Pine Street in Burlington
- AGC Glass North America to permanently close its Blue Ridge Plant in Kingsport Tenn.
- The Target store at Platte and Academy in Colorado Springs
- The Roses store on Reynold Road in Winston-Salem NC
- Meanders Kitchen losing its West Seattle location at 6032 California Ave
- Bost Harley-Davidson at 46th Avenue North and Delaware Ave. in West Nashville TN
- Townsend Booksellers in Oakland
- The Kmart store in Parkway Plaza off University Drive in Durham NC – 79 Jobs Lost
Socialists say this is all in revenge for the Emperor’s reelection.
This isn’t REVENGE…
This is the RESULT of the SOCIALIST VOTE!!!
I can guarantee you that these lists will grow and grow and grow and what should hit socialists over the head like a hammer is that the list of growing businesses is SHRINKING while the lists of CLOSING and DOWNSIZING businesses are the lists that are GROWING.
If boycotts are the socialists response to the BEGINNING of the plunge, what are they gonna do when that for which they voted RUNS OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY???
The answer to THAT can be found in Greece, Poland and Spain.
Tomorrow is Papa John’s appreciation day and while socialists cry over spilled free birth control pills, boycotting the results of exactly that for which they voted, I suggest that we, the conservatives who warned them, make it Papa John’s for dinner!!!
Let the whiny weasels of socialism eat crow.
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