When I vote tomorrow I will be voting for much, MUCH more than a new President.
I will be voting for my country.
If you think this is all about Romney over Obama you need to think again.
By voting for Romney and Ryan, I’ll be voting OUT Obama and the human gaff machine Joe Biden.
It clearly doesn’t stop there.
When I cast my vote for Romney I’ll be voting against Eric Holder, an Attorney General held in Contempt for stone walling congress over a failed gun running operation which led to the murder of Agent Brian Terry and more than 200 civilians in Mexico.
My vote for Mitt Romney will be a vote against Tim Geithner, a tax cheat who now heads the very government operation tasked with collecting our taxes.
By Voting Romney, I’ll vote against John Clapper, perhaps the most useless National Intell Chief one could ever, EVER have on guard.
By Voting for Mitt, I’ll be voting against and voting OUT Hillary. Yes, I know she said she would only serve as Secretary of State for one term but seriously…She’s a BIG part of what got 4 Americans killed in Benghazi and anyone who would take Lil’ Kim’s promise in North Korea as gospel needs voting out.
I will cast my vote for Mitt Romney and in so doing, I will be voting against DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano who claims our nearly non-existent southern border is safer than it’s ever been.
By voting Romney I’ll be voting against HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius who stands for Obamacare, abortions and willingly breaks the law to campaign for Obama.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who wants our gas prices as high as those in Europe needs to go too.
Don’t even get me started on Department of Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis…good grief.
By voting FOR Mitt Romney I’ll be voting AGAINST U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice who went on 5 Sunday shows and LIED, LIED, LIED…LIED and LIED about what happened in Benghazi. She can’t be trusted as far as she can be thrown.
Wouldn’t you like to see EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson out of a job? I sure would.
A vote FOR Romney is also a vote AGAINST Dept. of Education’s Secretary Arne Duncan, who is so far up the butt of the Teacher’s Union he can’t see daylight.
By the way, Leon…you DID know the situation on the ground. YOU were watching it in real-time AND you had 2 Navy Seals and the CIA TELLING you the situation on the ground.
Be gone.
By voting Romney I’ll be voting against the largest single tax increase in American history…Obamacare. With 21 NEW taxes…12 of which directly hit the middle class…it lack of adherence to our freedoms of religion…its raiding of Medicare…the fact that it’s driving Doctors OUT of the healthcare field and its provisions which will put a halt to job growth…well…OUT, OUT, OUT!!!
By voting for Romney, I’ll be voting FOR a president who WILL meet with his jobs council, who WILL meet with his economics team and WILL attend his daily security briefing.
I’ll be voting AGAINST a Job’s Creation Adviser who sent a huge part of HIS company to China.
Bye, bye Jeff Immelt!!!
By voting FOR Mitt Romney I’ll be voting against 1 and maybe 2 Obama Supreme Court nominees who, no doubt, would be set to vote against our rights INCLUDING the 2nd amendment.
Guess who ELSE packs her bags and leaves with my vote for Romney…
Valerie Jarrett.
Last week Jarrett stated: “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”
She needs to go and go now.
496 Admirals and Generals who spent their careers and lives defending our nation, our freedoms and our liberties endorsed Mitt Romney today.
5 have endorsed Obama.
What does THAT tell you?
And finally, by voting for Mitt Romney I’ll be voting FOR Ann Romney to become our First Lady.
That a vote FOR grace, humility, family values and dignity.
It’s also a vote AGAINST someone who, in her adult life, had never been proud of her country until the day her husband was nominated and, as of the 10th anniversary of 9-11, at a ground zero Flag ceremony…STILL wasn’t all too enthused about our Flag.
“All this for a damned flag?”
If, after reading this, and knowing full well my list is incomplete, those vowing to vote for Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Samm Tittle, John Dummett or any other “candidate” rather than Mitt Romney should either change their minds OR…
They are nothing BUT liberal/socialists trying, unsuccessfully, to cloak themselves as conservatives.
They may not like to admit it but, it doesn’t make it any less true…Any vote for anyone other than Mitt Romney IS a vote FOR Obama and any vote FOR Obama is a vote FOR everything and everybody I have listed above.
I will vote FOR Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to restore our values and our constitution. I will vote FOR Romney and Ryan to rebuild our economy. I will Vote FOR Romney and Ryan to rebuild our standing on the world’s stage.
I will vote FOR Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to solidify our relationship with Israel.
I will vote FOR Romney and Ryan to reestablish LEADERSHIP to the white house, our nation and the world.
I will vote FOR Romney and Ryan to stand AGAINST our enemies and the enemies of our allies.
It’s much, MUCH more than the man. It’s the office, the nation, the economy, the jobs, the constitution and leadership.
Leadership from the FRONT.
Tomorrow…I will vote FOR Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and Take Out the Trash!!
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