Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The More Obama Gives, the More He Steals!

‘We, the people’ need to wake up in a hurry to put a stop to his traitorous and terrorist actions

One has to marvel at how Mr. Obama has so thoroughly duped the dupes that they can’t or won’t admit that what he and his capos are doing is systematically destroying the United States of America.
Bulls-eyes have been placed upon our Constitution, Catholics, Christians, Jews, social and fiscal conservatives, those in the military, those in the non-union private sector, and those within the middle-class.  The thugs who support his theft are too blind to see that beneath his cool exterior lurks a calculating and cold-hearted traitor, or they don’t care!  Mr. Obama is a modern day combination of ‘Mr. Potter’ (‘It’s a Wonderful Life’), Vladimir Lenin and Adolph Hitler.  The more Obama and the hood rats give, the more they steal.
As FDR said, ‘There are no coincidences in politics.’  A key stalwart that separates our republic from all other nations is our vast and relatively comfortable middle-class and the opportunities for motivated individuals to improve their positions in life.  Let’s embrace the concept that there are no coincidences in politics and consider the agenda Mr. Obama has for ‘fundamentally transforming’ our blessed republic.  If his goal is to destroy our nation, he needs time to do so somewhat slowly, to prevent the raising of suspicions until it is too late to reverse course.
If the goal is to destroy a free and constitutional America, Obama and his puppeteers must have an elaborate game plan in place to succeed.  One action is to place boundaries around those he intends to villainize in a manner similar to how Hitler villainized Jews.  Once the boundaries have been established, he can begin herding traditional patriots who are sure to be ‘enemies’ of the Phoenix of poverty and slavery.  Very soon following the inauguration in 2009, a Domestic Terrorist Profile was unveiled in Missouri, then by Janet Napolitano.  Traditional, constitution-loving patriots were declared potential terrorists, but few people are aware of this initial attack. 
In order to gut our economy, job and employment opportunities must be reduced, especially in the private sector, but not so fast that people will riot.  A ‘beneficiary’ of a staggering economy, Obama and his mafia threw more fuel on the fire to worsen the crisis, then used the crisis to employ a misdirection move to erect a cover for their clandestine agenda.  Enter the Trojan Horses of extended unemployment benefits and expanded food stamps and Social Security Disability benefits championed by Obama and his mafia.  I am not attacking those who have legitimate needs, but those who have entered the drone zone of sucking off the efforts of a dwindling private sector with assistance provided by Communists in government.
The Democrat mafia has also industrialized illegal immigration for multiple benefits.  Name another country in the world in which those atop government actively act against the laws of the land to encourage illegal immigration and educate illegal immigrants how to strip-mine government coffers.  In addition to stealing votes and taxpayer money, entry level wages are held artificially low, demoralizing U. S. citizens and sucking oxygen out of a moribund economy.   
When people have their Internet access, cellphone service, a big screen TV and food on the table, they won’t riot as they have in Greece.  Under the guise of compassion, the Obama mafia has bought people’s silence and civility in addition to their votes.  He has also bought time to destroy the foundations of our economy and constitutional republic.  Those receiving these benefits are akin to a frog placed into a pan of boiling water.  The regime turns the heat up one degree at a time, and if the frog doesn’t jump out of the pan, it will die.
The Pandora’s Box of ObamaCare was passed with promises of reduced costs and better healthcare.  In reality, costs of healthcare are mushrooming and healthcare will degenerate over time as doctors refuse to submit to the extortion of ObamaCare.  ObamaCare is not about healthcare, it is about controlling the masses.  If it were truly about improved healthcare and reduced costs, why did members of Congress exempt themselves and members of the SCOTUS from it, and why have 1,700 waivers been granted to unions and companies because of the costs hidden within ObamaCare?
To add salt to the wound, the Dodd-Frank legislation is waiting in the wings to regulate small banks and businesses into marginal profitability, possibly into bankruptcy, without any oversight by Congress, not that Congressional oversight offers the American citizen/taxpayer any protection.  Additionally, everyone is going to be a ‘beneficiary’ of increased utility costs as the twin assaults of the war on carbon and the implementation of sustainability/U. N. Agenda 21 escalates.  Those unemployment benefits and food stamps keep buying time for these assaults to mature!
To paraphrase an old question, ‘How do you defeat an elephant?’  The paraphrased response is, ‘One crisis at a time!’  The GOP is being eaten alive and its leadership appears defenseless in the face of the Obama mafia.  The continual short-term ‘solutions’ and continuing resolutions (a true oxymoron) brought about by the polarizing negotiations about tax rates and spending is carving up the GOP, vote by vote.  As the GOP is gutted, so is the American taxpaying citizen.  The continual crises also buy time for the methodical destruction of our economy and republic.  The Lying King never negotiates in good faith; he revels in dragging out negotiations and the uncertainty this creates amongst employers and in the investment world.  He is also able to load up each bill with more immoral spending, adding to the existing malfeasance and theft coordinated from within the White House.  The normal business cycle hiccups because employers lack confidence to expand and/or hire employees.  They fear political sabotage and the impact it has upon their businesses.  When will the GOP leadership wake-up to this fact?         
Over the weekend, the Dictator-in-Chief authorized increasing Gaffe Biden’s, members of Congress and the SCOTUS and federal workers salaries to further divide all who work within the Federal government from those they are to serve and who pay for this larceny and malfeasance.  On the heels of increased employment within the Federal government and with $.46 of every dollar spent by the Federal government being borrowed money, this immorality will hasten the destruction of our economy.
As these various assaults materialize and people wake up to the realization that they have been scammed, especially the gullible middle class, some people are going to be none too happy.  There is going to be a non-stop drumbeat for gun control so that the U. S. citizen/taxpayer is rendered defenseless against the Communists atop our government.  Our founding fathers must be so proud of those in government and an electorate that has allowed our republic to be destroyed! 
The Lying King sits upon his throne in imperial arrogance as he is dividing us and destroying our economy under the pretext of caring for those he has already adversely affected.  ‘We, the people’ need to wake up in a hurry to put a stop to his traitorous and terrorist actions.  May God help us in our quest to prevent the total destruction of the USA!
A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense. Contact A. J.

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