Monday, April 25, 2011

How Would You Like Your Parabola?

Gee, what do you see here in Silver? (Dollar is white line)

Or how about gasoline?

And, of course.... stock prices.

Hmm..... you don't think this is some sort of intentional thing, right? I mean, you'd never see The Fed declare on its own that it has a "third mandate" (supporting asset prices), which it then manifests through intentional dollar debasement... would you?

Oh wait...... perhaps it's not universally The Fed that's doing this. Maybe it's The Fed and both Congress and The Administration together!

After all, exactly how do you have a $1,700 billion deficit without interest rates going much higher unless The Fed is monetizing your paper?

Now who is it again that we, the people, should hold to account for those skyrocketing commodity prices....including, of course, gasoline and the already-happened loss of stability due to food and commodity price ramps in other countries? I think I know - let's review it again.... and remember, Bernanke denied that he would monetize the debt under oath:

PS: For those who are short in the memory department, parabolic charts nearly always end in tears. Indeed, if you think these won't, your challenge is to go find some that haven't - then ponder the odds......

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