Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Obama’s Anti-American Love Fest

This past week saw the President of the United States finding solace within an audience of anti-American activists who have openly called for the dismantling of the American government. Birds of a feather indeed…

When I initially viewed the video footage of Barack Hussein Obama speaking before a group of La Raza members – those anti-American Hispanic activists who have long advocated an aggressive challenge to some of the most fundamental aspects of U.S. sovereignty, I found the moment a bit absurd. It was yet another seeming gaffe by a president prone to repeated public mishaps time and time again. Anyone still insistent that President Obama is a man possessing either intellect or common sense are themselves a member of the blind following the blind club.

Once that initial disappointment of having an American president speak to such a group settled in though, the more troubling realization of what Obama did, has been doing, and likely further intends to do, more fully developed within me. In 2008, due to a combination of Bush-fatigue, a worsening economy, and a barrage of media induced pro-Obama frenzy, American voters placed into the White House a man of shockingly limited leadership experience. All of the multiple faults of the man were either ignored or spun as positives, such as Obama’s years as a “community organizer” – one who basically shakes down corporations for money, the kind of shakedown in fact that greatly led to the economic collapse of 2008 via the easy-money-houses-for-the-poor policies so strongly advocated by liberal Democrats over the course of decades of terribly misguided and irresponsible do-goodism. In 2008 candidate Obama slipped up a few times, revealing his belief in “spreading the wealth” and “fundamentally transforming” America. Information seeped out about his views on the American Constitution as being a “fundamentally flawed document”. Such errors were quickly swept under the rug by a highly cooperative media though. Nothing to see here folks – just move along.

Now this past week we have President Obama on two separate occasions complaining of the American system of government. It seems the implied constitutional powers of President of the United States are not enough for this part-time Senator and former community organizer. That indeed, as he stated in the past, the essence of the American government is “fundamentally flawed.” Damn those checks and balances. Damn any who would limit the seemingly voracious appetite this president has for unlimited power. During the Obamacare debates, when Obama enjoyed strong majorities in Congress, he repeatedly denounced his Republican counterparts at every turn, demanding they “get out of the way”, and “sit in the back of the bus”. When voters in turn rebuked Obama’s policies by overwhelmingly supporting Republican candidates in 2010, the president pouted, complained, and played golf. Lots and lots of golf.

Which brings us to President Obama’s complaints against America as he speaks to La Raza – a group well known for its anti-American activism. A group whose very title means “the race”- as in the Master Race. This same group that gets millions in American taxpayer dollars to help fight a battle against…the American taxpayer. Such wicked irony, yes? Reports earlier this year detailed how La Raza waged war against local school boards in demanding their version of what is called “Mexican-American Studies” be taught in public schools. (In some cases taught exclusively in Spanish – no English speaking students need apply.) When some parents learned of the content of this course – namely its strong anti-American sentiment, they were understandably outraged to learn of their tax dollars being used to teach Hispanic students to hate America. La Raza views Americans descended from Europe as “squatters”, and likens those who wish for protected American borders as being akin to Nazis. According to La Raza, North America is “our continent”.

And so it is to this group the current American president so recently spoke to and complained about the very stystem he took an oath to both uphold and defend. Barack Obama expressed a desire to, in essence, be an absolute power dictator…“The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you, not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.”

Taken alone, the comment might appear somewhat harmless. The fact though that it was basically the same complaint and desire the president had voiced days earlier, only this time voicing it to a group of people who desire to see America’s authority dismantled, lends the words of President Obama a far more troubling and sinister tone.

Watch the video of the president’s comments, and remind yourself as you do so that he is speaking to those who would denounce white America as racist, squatters, criminals, Nazis, and the system created by the Founding Fathers as being in essence, a criminal document to be dismissed and ignored. In that context, this video becomes chilling…

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