Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yet More Proof Barack Obama Is A Lazy Puppet President…

Each day the White House quietly releases President Barack Obama’s daily schedule to the media – and each day the media ignores how very little this president actually does.

Barack Obama’s presidential salary is $400,000 per year – plus the other perks such as free governmental housing, a free vacation home, free travel, free golf…well, you get the picture.

And yet, has there ever been a president who manages to do so very little while on the job? If you take away the fundraising efforts that now dominate President Obama’s schedule, there is even less to show for a president who clearly cares little for the requirements of a job he now is asking the American people to re-elect him to for another four years. As the Middle East continues to wobble on the brink of all out chaos, as American unemployment remains well over 8%, and millions of Catholics push back against the administration’s blatant abuse of power regarding forced contraception and sterilization coverage, what does this president do during the day to take on these and other pressing national and international issues?

Well, according to the official White House schedule, Barack Obama’s work day does not begin until 11:15 where he receives a quick briefing. (Recall Insider stating that anything more than 15 minutes is far too long for Obama’s attention span)

After that briefing President Obama has nothing else on his schedule until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon where he then meets briefly with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti for a smile and nod photo op session.

Following his photo op with the Italian Prime Minister, Barack Obama has nothing scheduled until 7:10 p.m. when he leaves the White House to attend a private campaign fundraiser among liberal Washington D.C. multi-millionaires.

So in summary, a work day that does not begin until nearly the noon hour, followed by a photo op, followed by a wine -n- dine campaign fundraiser later that evening.

And so goes President Barack Hussein Obama’s work schedule for Thursday, February 9th, 2012.


11:15 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
2:45 pm || Meets with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti
7:10 pm || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; private residence, Washington

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