Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WALL STREET INSIDER: “IMF – Back to Chicago”

The final installment of our most recent interview with a long time Wall Street Insider.UM: Can I ask you about the 2012 race? Your thoughts on the Republican field?

WSI: I am not a political operative…I don’t have much to offer in that regard.

UM: No – I just want to know who you are supporting. You and others like you.

WSI: A specific candidate you mean?

UM: Yes – I assume you’ve picked one?

WSI: I have – some time ago…

UM: So who is it?

WSI: Like you have done countless times, I would qualify this by stating I will support whomever the nominee is.

UM: Sure – but you have a favorite, right? You got a preference?

WSI: Yes – perhaps I do…

Actually, there are two candidates I am most favorable to. Either one would provide a clear challenge to Barack Obama – and THAT is the ultimate goal here, yes? The defeat of Barack Obama. Be it a more conservative Republican or a more moderate Republican – that does not matter to me. Obama and those around him are far removed from such classification. He represents something this country has never seen. As -name deleted- is so fond of reminding us, Barack Obama is not a Democrat – not in the traditional sense. He is something else entirely…a radicalized by-product of the most odd mixture of anti-American sentiment…a total ideologue with absolutely no common sense or real world experience. This president of ours may very well set the world on fire and I am now convinced it is the intention of those around him to do just that.

UM: Got it – yes…Obama is a terrible mistake. But – get back to who you are supporting against him. Who is your candidate of choice to defeat Obama in November?

WSI: I favor Mitt Romney as well as Newt Gingrich. To a somewhat lesser degree Ron Paul and Rick Santorum but either one of them would be acceptable to me as well.

UM: I would have thought – I know you like his talk against the Federal Reserve, but I would have thought Paul’s positions – foreign policy…I would have thought that would have excluded him from you support.

WSI: There are concerns there – but the Federal Reserve issue….international monetary policy…those issues are a far greater threat to the security of this country than even the situation in the Middle East. Connected in fact – very much so. So while Ron Paul may not be my ideal candidate…he is vastly superior to that of four more years of Barack Obama. I do not believe Ron Paul is intent on destroying the world and reshaping it in his own image.

UM: Unlike Barack Obama?

WSI: Correct.

UM: And what of Santorum? Why don’t you place him as one of your top choices?

WSI: There is nothing directly that disqualifies him for me…there is simply a sense that this is not his time. An instinctual preference if you will.

UM: And so you feel it is Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich’s time?

WSI: They are both men of…consequence.

UM: What’s that mean?

WSI: I find each of them in their own way to be…ready to take on the responsibility of being President of the United States. I am attracted to Gingrich’s personal story of redemption. His record of accomplishment. His intelligence.

Mitt Romney too, despite what the media has created around him – that image of not standing upon a firm foundation of belief…I don’t entirely agree with that. And while I have had no direct interaction with him, I know of some who have. The character of a man is most easily disclosed when doing business with them. It has been told to me with absolute certainty that Mitt Romney is a man of character – and that is something the country very much is in need of at this time.

UM: So you’re preferred choice is Mitt Romney? That sounds like what you are saying here.

WSI: You wish for me to confirm that with you?

UM: Yes – I know it’s somewhat of a personal matter – but yeah, I would like you to just come out and say it. If given the choice, who would you most like to win the nomination and run against Obama? Who do you think is most likely to have the ability, the campaign, whatever – to defeat Obama?

WSI: Mitt Romney.

UM: Does -name deleted- share the same preference as you? Is Romney their candidate as well? Are they already working for the Romney campaign?

WSI: I won’t…you would have to ask them that. It is not my place to disclose that to you.

UM: So you know? You know that answer to that don’t you?

WSI: I won’t lie to you – yes…I know the answer to that question.

UM: And you just admitted Mitt Romney is your preferred candidate. It seems unlikely each of you would be working for a different outcome.

WSI: I would caution you against trying to predict the intended outcomes of others. It sometimes leads to confusion…and disappointment.

UM: Have you been in communication with them recently?

WSI: Yes…but perhaps we move on from this subject. If that is acceptable to you?

UM: Sure – sure…you did mention the FED. I wanted to ask you about the FED and the World Bank. There was news…similar to what was circulating last year – the possibility of Hillary Clinton heading up the World Bank. I know you have a strong interest in those entities…the 19th and G stuff.

WSI: Stuff? I don’t know if I would use that term to describe those…entities.

As for Mrs. Clinton heading up the World Bank…it is not something of consequence. Not really. Symbolically perhaps – but the World Bank is not the institution posing the most direct threat to the world economy – the reformation of that economy. It receives more attention – but that is intentional. The name itself is a distraction you know.

…Lagarde is far more influential than Zoelick.

UM: Who?

WSI: Zoelick is World Bank. Lagarde is IMF.

…Their respective positions. Christine Lagarde heads the IMF. Robert Zoelick heads the World Bank. In fact, the two have quite oppositional backgrounds. It is obvious the Obama administration has people within it who will push Zoelick out – but that position is secondary in importance to the IMF.

I have long considered the two to be something of a two-headed monster. But the brain of that monster is contained within the head of the IMF. The World Bank…the it is nothing without the monetary manipulations of the IMF – and the IMF is much-much more intertwined now with the Federal Reserve.

UM: You said the two – Zoelick and Lagarde have…opposite backgrounds?

WSI: Oppositional backgrounds – yes.

UM: Explain.

WSI: Zoelick is a still remaining by-product of the Bush administration. He was born in America. A far more conventional member of the financial world if you will – though with a rather strong influence in foreign policy. He is perhaps a good representation of that too often misused term neo-conservative.

Now Lagarde on the other hand…she is foreign born. France. But she not only is a product of France – but also a direct product of Chicago.

UM: Chicago?

WSI: Yes indeed. And her time there is then followed up with the planning and implementation of the European Union – a model by the way, that is to then be implemented world-wide. A one-world global economic institution. The IMF is the primary machine for that – not the World Bank. We don’t have time to go into all the details of the last few years regarding the manipulation of commodities – namely gold…how the IMF has benefited greatly from the rise in price, the direct involvement of Bernanke…the dangerous consolidation of these commodities into a few…the pace has been stunning. Look up the sales. The IMF sales of gold. The timing. Connect it to the FED policies at the near exact same time. Collusion. Such a condition has always existed on some level of course, but since 2008…it has been to a degree I have never seen, and the pace is quickening.

That is why when I scolded you for your treatment of Ron Paul…his message of the dangers of monetary policy, of debt and deficit…that message may very well prove to be the most pertinent to the near term future of the Unites States. While the candidate may be quite flawed – the message is not.

People speak of the 16 trillion debt? As astonishing that amount is – it is nothing when compared to the $100 trillion represented by inflationary legacy costs that face the United States alone. Watch for what is happening not in Greece – there are examples far closer to home. Watch what is now underway in New York, Californian, Illinois. As the number of retirees rise – the foundation for those economies face total collapse. And once those somewhat localized bond markets collapse…it threatens the entire system. Once a country like China then pulls back…as they likely will…the entire system dissipates. I am convinced in fact that is very much part of THEIR plan – China’s plan for the United States. What this country did to initiate the collapse of the Soviet Union – so too is a version of that now being done to us.

Everything. This reality that the printing of false paper has created…it ceases to exist. And while there are those who might say “good” let the system collapse…they have no idea what they are saying. They have no idea of the dangers to themselves, their loved ones, the future of everything and anything we hold dear.

And when the United States collapses into itself…when some of the leading economies of the world share in the consequence of mutual economic destruction that so many have participated in…it will be the globalized economic message of the IMF that will fill that void. It will be the United Nations that will step in and exponentially expand its governing powers. Unionization. The false Green Economy. The plight of Israel and the chaos of the Middle East. All these agendas are of like mind – but they cannot fully succeed unless the American economy finally and completely fails.

UM: That’s rather bleak.

WSI: That is reality. That is what this country is facing. While the media attempts to tell us so little of these facts, they create false controversies such and entertainment to distract. Distraction is the purpose of modern media is it not? I am amazed by the work done by others…what have you called them? The alternative media? Without that – the truth would already be silenced, yes?

I was told of…not so long ago…of an internal war within the military regarding…now this is…this is something I will not…I cannot say so much for now. And what I was told were mere hints – but from a source I trust completely. Not so much a war…perhaps that was not the correct term. An operation if you will. Covert.

While I have shared with you details of the administration’s increasingly volatile relationship with the military…there have been those who have taken it upon themselves to investigate the nature of what they are dealing with here. But they have to be very careful because the powers at the State Department, and yes, there are high ranking military officials loyal to the administration – individuals who in fact welcome the possibility of a more…globalized military. Among other things…


At any rate…I apologize for my rambling here…but this is rather important to share. I know you have asked questions on this subject before.

There are those who have – who continue…to investigate the administration – including Barack Obama. And it is my understanding it has some of them rattled. That is the term I was given. Rattled.

UM: Who?

WSI: Pardon?

UM: Them? Who are you talking about?

WSI: Individuals with shall we say…clearance. Access. Military access.

UM: They have investigated Obama?

WSI: Not formally…this is…there is a term -name deleted- is fond of using for such matters. Off the…

UM: …Reservation.

WSI: Yes! These are individuals…they have gone ”off the reservation”. They are initiating this on their own.

UM: And what they have found…it’s got them rattled?

WSI: That is correct.

UM: Ok…so? What will become of it?

WSI: I would not be so dismissive of this. These are not individuals who are to be…

UM: (interrupts) -Expletive- I don’t care about more cloak and dagger. What did they find out? Who are they going to share it with besides you? Why even bother bringing this up?

WSI: Perhaps you fail to fully appreciate what I am saying to you here. Take what you have been told of before regarding the military and this president. Take the situation with the Bin Laden…operation. Take the Task Group 120. Take the Koran burning…all of it. Add to all of that what I am now telling you here.

UM: Does this have any connection to the Sheriff Arpaio investigation? Jerome Corsi?

WSI: Who?

UM: Obama’s eligibility. The Arizona investigation into his…the birth certificate. The alleged forgery.

WSI: What? No…no that…that was not part of this information. Not to my understanding. This is being done within the military. Not in an official capacity as I said…but it is being taken on…it has been taken on and there is information that has left them “rattled”.

UM: A pretty -expletive- obscure term, that.

WSI: I apologize…I thought…I thought you would appreciate hearing that bit of information.

UM: What I would appreciated is Barack Obama being made a one term president. What I would appreciate is Eric Holder charged with treason against America and made to account for the hundreds of innocent lives that his department has taken. I want the -expletive- truth…ALL OF IT…to come out about this administration.

WSI: I assure you…there are those of us working to that end. I am sorry if I…if I have not done enough to this point. But I am taking measures now – direct measures, to help in the defeat of Barack Obama. And there are more of us doing the same. And you have and will continue to be part of that.

If you choose.

UM: Choose? I’m so far down this rabbit hole I don’t think choice is an option for me anymore.

Have your listened to those links I sent you? The on-air readings of the -name deleted- interviews?

(Author’s note: This is in reference to Liberty Underground – The Moretti Report and applicable readings by Jo-Anne Moretti and Jo-Jo Norton of ongoing interviews with a longtime White House Insider: LINK )

WSI: I did – and thank you for sending them! I quite enjoyed the interpretation of our friend! Have they commented on it? Or heard them?

UM: Not sure - hope to ask them about it. They don’t get back to me as quickly anymore.

WSI: It is my understanding they are quite busy these days. In their element if you will.

UM: Working a campaign?

WSI: You will have to ask them – it is not my place to disclose such information.

But perhaps I can give you a bit more on the IMF situation? A bit of homework to make a connection likely missed by anyone even bothering to attempt to connect the dots there? Yet another link between the IMF and the Obama administration? And the Department of Justice?

UM: Say what? The DOJ? Holder?

WSI: That’s right – it connects to the Black Panther case in fact that -name deleted- was working so hard to utilize against the president.

UM: Please – explain.

WSI: If you were to look at Christine Lagarde’s Chicago history, you will then be able to connect some quite recent history to the Obama administration – namely the Department of Justice. You will likely find further confirmation of what -name deleted- warned you of regarding the use of race in the upcoming elections. I happened to stumble upon it by accident doing some work with IMF matters.

UM: Can you just tell me?

WSI: I could.

…but I won’t.


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