Saturday, October 6, 2012

Behind The Curtain – by Dan Bubalo by Dan Bubalo

Many of us have spent the past four years gnashing our teeth in frustration over the reluctance of the media and Congress to address the malevolence and ineptitude of the Poser in Chief, and it took Mitt Romney a mere 90 minutes to authenticate Obama as the fraud many of us have known since Jump Street, thereby transforming him from a cliché and contrivanceto a punch line and making Clint Eastwood look all the more prescient in doing so. It was a comeuppance of sorts to watch the gas come out of the balloon and witness Obama wearing a look of confusion commensurate with putting a man in a round room and ordering him to sit in the corner, and while the outcome was befitting for someone of uncommon dupery to suffer, another more sobering realization crystallized: this is the President of the United States, for crying out loud. Is it any wonder the country is in a tailspin?
To call the man clueless would be to pay him a compliment, to suggest he was an actor would be an insult to thespians, and to make any claim that he didn’t suffer from a massive detachment from reality would qualify as a clinical definition of denial. Equally shocking, however, was the reaction of the adulators in the media and the idolatry of the lackeys who were genuinely stunned at his artless bumbling and of all the grand rationalizations that spewed forth afterwards, the most lame of which was Al Gore’s excuse of blaming Obama’s daftness on altitude. For those who care to recall, the Clown Prince delivered his first acceptance speech at the DNC in Denver in 2008, and he most certainly wasn’t running short of air during that avalanche of false promisesand absurd guarantees.

The day after, of course, when the umbilical cord was reattached to his teleprompter he was back to being his vociferous self, pontificating and exhorting his blind sheep to pay no attention to what they saw the night before in pure Wizard of Oz redux. His sychophantic managers are in full panic alert, trying in vain to put the toothpaste back in the tube and utteringfrenzied admonitions about the next debate as they hold fast that his deficient performance was a fluke, proving there are none so blind as those who will not see.
The irony of it all is after repeatedly disregarding his oath of office, Obama ultimately betrayed himself.

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