Monday, August 20, 2012

Dan Bubalo: Just Say “Nyet” The Daily Rant

Polling statistics decrease in credibility with every passing election, yet the pollsters themselves remain a fully functioning and vital arm of the Democrat Party, guaranteed to produce skewed numbers in any direction needed and willingly perpetuating leftist propaganda with impunity, for they are entities which report to nobody and are not held accountable for purposes of evaluation or accuracy.
They might as well be weathermen.
I have never been polled.  None of my friends have ever been polled.  None of my colleagues at work have ever been polled and none of them know anyone who has been polled, either, so the question inevitably is:  who are they polling and how are they getting their numbers?  Yet, on cue, media marionettes advance the theory daily that polling data is somehow influential to undecided voters, a suggestion that is pure twaddle.  If an individual at this late date cannot decide between the two diametrically opposed visions of our country’s future they are either artificially or permanently impaired, or both.
In order to understand Mr. Obama’s base, therefore, I performed some polling of my own and am able to report this demographic breakdown:   those in their teens and 20’s are mad at him because he didn’t give them enough and curiously believe Romney’s administration will take something away from them which they still have yet to receive; those in their 30’s form opinions from headlines read while in checkout lines and information they gather from TMZ; those in their 40’s are wondering if Roseanne runs for president if she really might have a shot; those in their 50’s openly debate whether J.R. Ewing was affected by Obama’s unilateral decision to halt offshore drilling; those in their 60’s cast their vote by rote, still wonder what it would have been like if McGovern had been elected , and believe Elvis is really in hiding and planning a comeback tour.
Those in their 70’s and those deceased have already been compromised by a social worker and unwittingly will vote 5 times in Chicago this November as well as in 10 swing states.
The direction Mr. Obama intended to take from the outset was clear to those who recognized code-word bombast and opposed his collectivist mindset, but now as he makes a desperate lunge to hold on to office he has redoubled pontification about government as a panacea, and is trying to agitate his base with the ridiculous assertion that outcomes in life and business are legislative items that he and only he can deliver if given another term.  Such falderal is partial defense mechanism and rationalization for his failures and a salve for other lifers in the blame-game, for it relies on the fantasy that government can regulate potential, which is a pale ruse to manipulate the inborn traits of greed and jealousy and use that resentment to addict people to the poison of envy the way a crack dealer develops a clientele.
Mr. Obama is in highly undignified and panicky over-drive to define the opposition lest he be forced to defend himself, a sign that defeat is near when a strategic decision has been made to cower with fear and resort to demonizing someone who has yet to write a single piece of legislation.  If his own ideas are so profoundly grand would he not want to parade them and explain why they are so much better?  Well, of course he cannot, because he has already been exposed as communist infiltrator in sheep’s clothing and cannot, with a straight face at least, explain how weakening the economy, weakening our defense, weakening our credit rating, weakening the dollar, weakening our reputation in the world, weakening the country’s morale, weakening strategic alliances, and weakening the delivery of health care, then sneaking death panels into Obamacare is somehow better than the ideas of Mr. Romney and worthy of another term, especially when Mr. Romney’s vice-presidential pick has a policy and financial acumen that reduces Mr. Obama into the proverbial deer looking at high beams.

A debate consists of refuting with logic the assertion of an opponent, but it does not consist of playground taunts and name calling and false assertions and nonsense and outright lying, for it is not considered worthy in intellectual circles, much less does it allow for honest discussion or dissent in light of the serious domestic issues and global threats that bear careful examination.  It was conveniently shuffled quickly from the news cycle this week that our naval defenses had been penetrated by a Russian sub which had gone undetected in the Gulf of Mexico for nearly a month, and that US air space had been invaded on several occasions by Russian fighter pilots over Alaska and California.  The administration did not so much as utter a peep when asked, although perhaps the reason it didn’t was because of the open-mike pillow talk Obama shared with Medvedev last spring when he was caught blowing kisses to Vladimir Putin.
Tax cheat, and, coincidentally, Treasury Secretary, Timmy Geithner was exposed this week for breaking another federal law when he lied to Congress about eliminating 20,000 non-union jobs as part of the illicit governmenttakeover of General Motors, wherein the rights of shareholders and bondholders were jettisoned in favor of handing the company over to the UAW, which included more free cash directly to the union than the current annual budgets of the Department of State and NASA combined as well as the king’s exemption that they would not be subjected to the draconian rules of the health care bomb Mr. Obama still intends to detonate over “non-compliant” citizens and industry.   Cronyism tends to differ from criminality in that it often involves a subtle wink-and-nod-quid-pro-quo.  By contrast, the man who occupies the highest elective office in the world operates like a bloated Chicago alderman wearing a pinkie ring with a toothpick in his mouth, dispensing favors on the street corner like an overgrown neighborhood punk.
But, give him another shot at getting it right………………… a second term with more “flexibility” to satisfy Vlad.
Once and for always, it’s time to say “Nyet” before we are forced to expand our Russian vocabularies.

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