Wednesday, October 24, 2012

If Obama Had A Foreign Policy

If Obama had a foreign policy, Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith and the two Marines would not have been allowed to be sodomized and murdered. If Obama had a foreign policy, it would be reflected in Afghanistan and Iraq, or are we to simply pretend that the Al Qaeda uprisings and increased number of American military dying aren’t taking place?
Someone should have informed Obama that lying and attacking Mitt Romney aren’t foreign policy. Someone should also have told him that with ears the size of his he shouldn’t turn the back of his head to the camera. But I digress.
Obama and his minions may be delusional but the rest of us aren’t. The Middle East is in nothing short of a full meltdown. Israel no longer rests secure in the certainty of help from the United States. The very Muslims whom American troops are training to handle security in Middle Eastern countries are turning on our troops, killing them. Is that the foreign policy Obama was talking about? Or perhaps he was talking about Iran racing to manufacture nuclear weapons?
Is Obama’s idea of successful foreign policy in agreement with Joe Biden’s claim that he and Obama were unaware the Libyan ambassador was in danger? Or is Obama’s idea of foreign policy cutting backroom deals with Putin? Then again maybe his idea of foreign policy is bowing deeply at the waist to the most reprobate foreign dictators. Or perhaps Obama’s idea of foreign policy is going on a Middle East speaking tour apologizing for and speaking ill of America — while refusing to visit Israel.
Then again, perhaps Obama believes foreign policy is taking $70,000 from American taxpayers and buying airtime in the Middle East to run television commercials apologizing for a movie that we know hardly any Middle Easterners saw. Is disallowing our military to carry live ammunition while serving in consulates with growing hostility like Egypt a foreign policy?
The bottom line is that Obama can lie, glare, and be condescending, but, in the final analysis, his foreign policy is as non-existent as his family’s social graces. How can Obama speak of keeping Americans safe and boast that Al Qaeda is on the run? Can he truly be that blind, delusional or just dishonest?
Only the very least informed or most prejudiciously biased can say Obama won the third debate with Mitt Romney. It is inconceivable to say Obama won the debate when we look at what has and is taking place in the Middle East. Obama cannot run from the reality of the Middle East meltdown and only those who are blinded by skin color and/or those who are rabid ideologues can say Obama won the debate.
For Obama to have won the debate we would be seeing evidence of things improving in the Middle East, but the reality is we are witnessing anything but.
It is beyond my comprehension that a person with such a record of dishonesty, failed Euro-Social policies, and a non-existent foreign policy can be viewed as worthy of anything other than replacement. The people who are looking at Obama as a presidential choice are, for whatever reasons, blind to the transpicuous reality of his failed four years. It speaks very poorly of those willing to support him after all that he hasn’t done in his first term.
I am forced to point out one more time that, while Obama’s record is abysmal, it is the people rabidly supporting him who are the real threat to our future. Because if after his first four years they are still blinded to his failure just think what he will be able to get away with if reelected. But then maybe that is what Obama meant when he was caught on a hot mic telling Russian President Medvedev, that he “will have more flexibility after [he's] reelected.”

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