Obama is the itchy rash we can’t get rid of
The secret of Obama’s reelection has been his keen ability to keep his name ever constant on enemy lips. In order to do so, he must at all times, keep the pot on a rolling boil.
The televised bowing to America’s deadliest enemies, ObamaCare, the upfront contempt for all things American, including the Constitution, the sealed off documents keeping his true identity in the dark, the unending Executive Orders, the consorting with the Muslim Brotherhood and the suspicions that consorting arouses, the unabashed promise to fundamentally transform America, and the chattering classes complaining about them all give Obama his stranglehold on America.
Here’s the thing: Obama, who has done nothing in his life to qualify him for leadership of a company let alone the greatest nation on earth—but preens his way across the world stage anyway—counts on the never ending complaints of his enemies for his oxygen.
No one paid much attention to the largely MIA Democrat Illinois senator prior to the presidential campaign of 2008. Obama needed an outrageous intro from the Denver DNC—and got it—with the unlikely image of a conquering hero presented from a backdrop of fake Greek columns.
The very moment when Obama appeared on the world stage as president elect on November 4, 2008, was the one when he began campaigning, non-stop for November 6, 2012.
Everything he has done ever since, including being conspicuously missing at the most crucial times, has been deliberately designed to keep his name in neon lights of complaint.
Obama may have provoked criticism by beginning the presidential debate with the words, “I just want to wish you, Sweetie Happy Anniversary,” but “Sweetie” is only one of his props. Michelle’s heavy hand on school menus goes a long way to keep the name “Obama” out in the public realm.
Name recognition is the key to presidential and all other elections. It is, and has always been, marketing’s best tool.
The words “Look what Obama’s doing now” are not only the ones he counts on to keep him in office, but have always been Obama’s campaign strategy. It may be a national groan to us, but it’s what keeps the Marxist squatting on the White House
in office.
Tune in on any any television network on today’s boob-tube and you will find Obama talking about himself, or some talking heads talking about Obama.
When he said last week to viewers of The View, “I’ve been told I’m just eye candy here”, that’s exactly what he was.
Obama is the itchy rash we can’t get rid of. What better way to get talked about than to show up in history sans a birth certificate?
So at the 11th hour we discover that all Obama ever had to do to get re-elected was to keep his name on detractors’ lips.
In his own head, Obama hears his name like a Gregorian chant: O-BAMAA, O-BAMAA.
But In our case, we’re still looking for the right button to turn off the curse of Obama.
Dems and their running dog media, who always knew perfectly well who Obama is, feigned shock after his miserable showing to the 65 million watching Mitt Romney decimate him last Wednesday. Obama could afford to come on like a pathetic loser because it was all but guaranteed that sucky supporters like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews would talk about him for days and even weeks after.
Here’s Obama’s Marxist election strategy in brief: Let his detractors say what they want, Obama can say what he wants on millions of cell telephones controlled by the Obama team.
Obama deliberately set it up that his name would forever be on detractors’ lips. In other words, Obama used those who hate his policies most as his Number One Campaign strategy.
But even though there seems no way to escape Obama, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The grass roots he bought off with cellphones, food stamps and promises of more free stuff from his Santa Claus bag of goodies are hardly the type who can be easily mobilized.
When patriots
are driving every vote available to election day booths, Obama’s grassroots will have to be dragged away from daytime TV.
The long ago mantra of American haters in foreign lands was: “Yankee Go Home
Poetic justice if that mantra could be revised for Election 2012 to: OBAMA GO HOME!
It matters not from whence America’s worst enemy came, now that it’s known in great detail what his intentions against liberty
and freedom are.
Send Obama home on November 6.
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