Sunday, October 21, 2012

Poe on Fast and Furious, Libya scandals: We can’t trust Obama administration ‘on what it says about anything’

Texas Republican Rep. Ted Poe told The Daily Caller he fears the American people and Congress cannot trust at face value anything President Barack Obama’s administration says.
“The result of all this is we’re getting to the point where the credibility of the administration on what it says about anything is not credible,” Poe said in a phone interview about “Operation: Fast and Furious” and the newly surfacing scandal surrounding the terrorist attacks in Libya. “As we get into what they say, we often find that they are wrong and have misled the American people.”
Like Fast and Furious, Poe said “Libya is yet another example where we can’t trust the information from the administration and that’s unfortunate. Any administration should have credibility with the American public. When it says something, it should actually be accurate information instead of backtracking weeks later after they get caught in their misstatements.”
Poe, a former Texas judge in the Houston area before getting elected to Congress in November 2004, told TheDC that he disagrees with the Obama administration and thinks the courts do have a role in determining whether the president and Attorney General Eric Holder should release Fast and Furious documents. Last Monday, the Department of Justice filed a brief asking the judge to dismiss the lawsuit the House brought against the DOJ via the bipartisan vote to hold Holder in civil contempt of Congress.
If the judge sides with Congress, it will force Holder and Obama to release the Fast and Furious documents they are still hiding from the American people under the president’s assertion of executive privilege. If the judge sides with the administration, Holder and Obama will be allowed to keep hiding the documents.
But the Justice Department does not even want to let the arguments play out in court – the administration is arguing the courts have no place in reviewing this case.
“They do not want this resolved in a court of law,” Poe said. “I don’t think they want the issue resolved at all. The law allows for exactly what has taken place – Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress because he refused to give Congress documents we are entitled to see. The procedure is now that we go to a court of law and the court of law decides whether we prosecute Eric Holder and actually punish him – the required punishment being that he give us the documents, because the administration doesn’t want those documents turned over and they’ll do anything to keep from having to do that. That’s why they moved for the dismissal.”
“They ought to just argue their case before a court of law, which is supposed to resolve this issue, and see what happens,” Poe added, with a promise to the American people: “We’ll get those documents.”

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