Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama Is A Glass House by Mychal Massie

Obama is either unfamiliar with the old adage of people living in glass houses not throwing stones or he is indeed showing the effects of an emotional breakdown brought on by the pressure of Mitt Romney’s dramatic gains in the past month.
There are three things we definitively know about Obama.
One is that he is notoriously thin-skinned. I can attest to that because he personally attempted to intimidate me after I wrote a syndicated article titled “Darth Democrat.” (; 11/16/04)
We know he is notoriously condescending and sarcastic, and finally there is a wealth of empirical evidence evidencing his pernicious mendacity. One would think that a person who is known for such low-life character traits would take a moment to think about what they were fixating about saying before they said it–but not Obama. His narcissistic hubris demands that he just open his mouth and say whatever is flowing from his bowels to his head (which is positioned squarely in that portion of his anatomy that graces a chair) in an attempt to insult (in this instance) Mitt Romney.
Which is a verbose buildup to say that is exactly what happened when during a campaign rally Tuesday, referencing Romney, he asked, “If you cannot even remember what you said last week” can we trust you to be leader? That isn’t the challenge Obama should be proffering when we look closely at the lies and misdirections he has engaged in from his very first foray into politics.
As I detailed in my 2004 article “Darth Democrat,” Obama is either a congenital and pathological liar or he suffers from a form of dissonance that has stripped him of any concern for truth predicated upon his belief that if he says it people will believe it.
Does Obama remember that he said he would cut the deficit in half in his first term? Does he remember that he bowed at the waist to some of the cruelest dictators know today? Does he remember how he berated the United States in Cairo shortly after he was elected president? Does he remember being caught red-handedly telling Russian President Medvedev to assure Russian Leader Putin that he would have more flexibility in his second term to effect plans harmful to America? Does he remember flippantly insulting a person who asked about high gas prices? Does he remember refusing to approve the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline that would have been a giant step toward our energy independence?
Or perhaps he should be asked if he remembers his lies about his expertise in Constitutional law. Perhaps he should be questioned on his campaign propaganda in 2008 when he claimed we were one America that shouldn’t be divided by race, but that he has fomented race-mongering and class warfare from his first month in office.
Does Obama remember that his own relatives have been documented, on the record, repeatedly saying he hasn’t assisted them with one dime of financial help (even though he is a multi-multi-millionaire) while he is telling us we must ante-up to pay more for those who have less than we do? I could go on, but, suffice it to say, Obama is adroit at hurling insults yet forgets that every charge he tries to label Mitt Romney with he is provably guilty of himself.
He likes to gloat and puff his chest out when he talks about being Commander-in-Chief, but does he remember that there are no acting classes to become a leader? You are either born with the capacity to be same or you are not. With that position established, maybe Obama can point to a former American leader who blamed his predecessor as the reason for his personal failings.
But, as usual, the boy who wants to play president is wrong. The question isn’t can we trust Mitt Romney; the question is can we trust Obama–and why was he trusted in the first place? If Obama weren’t so blinded by the shine of his own image he would understand it’s not in his best interest to put people in the position of having to answer that question.

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