Tuesday, October 9, 2012


At the same time Team Obama released a childish ad hitting Mitt Romney for daring to consider removing multimillionaire, one-percenter Big Bird from the federal government welfare rolls, the Romney campaign released a devastating graphic that shows that since his debate debacle, Barack Obama has mention Big Bird and Elmo 13 times but has not mentioned Libya or his plan to fix the economy even once.

A media that is obviously disappointed with Their Precious One's debate performance and recent collapse in the polls, is not at all happy with this silly and stupid Big Bird attack. Politico criticized the ad as small ball, NBC News described it as "absurd,"  and ABC's Rick Klein seems confused by the desperate smallness of it:
Team Obama makes a play using … Big Bird? The new Obama campaign ad uses a mock-serious tone to jump on Mitt Romney’s most famous debate line. It’s all in good fun, but the contrast may not be what President Obama is after, not now, not in this race. Romney is getting more serious by the day, with a foreign-policy sp
eech and now Paul Ryan about to make the case for conservative fiscal policies. Romney marches toward Benghazi, while the president marches down Sesame Street?
Even MSNBC's Chuck Todd criticized the ad: "When is the Obama campaign going to stop talking about the debate? … They cannot seem to turn the page from the debate. ... Any conversation about that debate, I assume, helps Mitt Romney."
This is something we see very rarely in our corrupt media, a backlash against an obvious attempt by the Obama campaign to create a distraction away from the big issues of the day. Obviously, in the face of falling poll numbers and Romney's well-received foreign policy speech yesterday, Obama's Media Palace Guards just don’t see "absurd" distractions as good strategy at the exact time Romney is looking more and more presidential.  
With middle class incomes deflating, four Americans recently assassinated by al-Qaeda, poverty and gas prices increasing, and the debt already saddling our children and grand children with mortgage-sized debt, Americans aren’t likely  to be any more enamored than the media with Obama's non-stop "smallness."

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

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