The euphoria of the clear Mitt Romney win over President Barack Hussein Obama at Wednesday’s first presidential debate requires a back-to-business blast of reality.
Mitt won hands down and gave us the first positive sign that victory could be in sight. But getting there from here is going to be along a long, booby-trapped trail.
Truth is that anyone with something substantial to say could have done the same thing Romney did to President Teleprompter, who for four long years has been a moving target out on the campaign trail, if only because without the teleprompter there’s only ever been an empty suit.
“Where was Obama tonight?” asked an ostensibly nonplussed Chris Matthews after the debate.
The guy who gave you the tingle up your leg was right there, Chris, only finally stripped of his Messiah image in the unforgiving light of inadequacy.
With his head-down, skulking demeanor you just didn’t recognize what millions with no blinders saw back in 2007.
As inadequate and diminished as presidential candidate Mitt Romney made him look, your president was just who he really is and has always been, the empty suit and empty chair determined to win reelection.
Why were Matthews and the liberalmedia
in a post presidential debate funk when Obama himself told a crowd of more than 11,000 supporters at a rally in Las Vegas, where he had holed up to prepare for the coming debate over the weekend that he is just “OK” in debates?
“Governor Romney is a good debater. I’m just OK,” Obama said (Joe Piazza,, Oct.1, 2012.
Truer words were never spoken by the most unabashed anti-American president in history.
Obama doesn’t do debates, he does Teleprompter appearances. Obama doesn’t show up where adult voters congregate, he does captive audiences at university campuses
, where lib-left professors instruct students not to ask meaningful questions.
Many of the estimated 65 million who watched the debates on television may have been frightened when they saw close up for the first time, the sulking, head down, smirking Obama caught in the glare of the headlights as Romney ran away with a clear win. But millions more had seen through Obama long before he walked onto the presidential debate stage.
Reeling with shock television viewers not in the know about the White House Emperor Without Clothes, must have missed Democratic National
Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse, who told Fox News before the debate that he believed Mitt Romney would win the first debate on domestic policy in Denver.
The bigger shock is that Democrats and their supporters know their candidate is a lousy debater and accept his shortcomings.
As much as Romney supporters were elated to see him decimate the phony called Obama, Wednesday night was a debate and not an election.
The harsh reality that lingers behind after a day of “Did you see Obama keep his head down?” “Did you hear how he rambled?” “Did you see that awful smirk?”, come from a poll.
The first debate poll, an online one commissioned by Reuters and conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, shows that post-debate Obama’s numbers didn’t move.
“The upshot is responders think Romney won, it did move his numbers and it did move the head to head. But not dramatically.” (TPM Editor’s Blog). “Who won the debate? Romney 50%, Obama 28%.”
One day after, Obama back with his trademark teleprompter was scoring hideous laughs from an audience in Wisconsin: “When I got onto the stage, I met this very spirited fellow who claimed to be Mitt Romney. But it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney, because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5-trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. The fellow on stage last night said he didn’t know anything about that.”
Fortunately, the fellow that Romney met on stage, the bumbling, didn’t-want-to-be-there loser was definitely Barack Obama.
This morning all ‘Friends’ got another one of those emails from Obama Campaign manager Jim Messina with a picture showing Obama at the University
of Wisconsin with a cheering crowd of 30,000.
News that matters: The Dems have already left the dismal first presidential debate far behind, and are back in full election swing.
We all now know that The Man Who Isn’t There wasn’t there on October 3, but that the Man Who Was There to rid America from a Marxist stranglehold must still be carried across the finish line.
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