Monday, April 30, 2012

One Bad Apple Spoils The Entire Bunch

“One bad apple spoils the entire bunch,” is sometimes called an old wives tale, although history has yet to provide us with enough information to determine whether those observant women worked inside or outside the home. Regardless, this simple observation is not only rooted in common sense but proven by science. Ethylene is a plant hormone, a simple alkene that stimulates growth and also helps ripen fruit, and when released prematurely has the ability to over-activate that same function in the fruit around it, proving that one bad apple can, indeed, ruin the whole lot. For the sake of argument, what happens when all the apples in a barrel are already bad, when there is no cross-contamination but a symbiotic relationship among the decaying vegetation? Could it be the reason for the stench that emanates from the policies advocated by this administration is not the byproduct of one bad apple, but instead the result of an intentional assemblage of rotten fruit?
After three years of consistent mistakes, misjudgments, miscalculations, and misrepresentations a strong case can be made that this isn’t your run-of-the-mill misfeasance but the result of design and intent, for decisions and actions that run in opposition to the laws, social mores, and history of the United States are the criteria for what today passes as “POLICY”. The cause of this morass is not identified by merely saying there are systemic issues in the GSA, Secret Service, and Congress, for the hollow record of underachievement, failure, and nihilism begins with Mr. Obama due to the ripple effect of his behavior and stratagems aimed antithetically to capitalism and liberty. The result is not only a grotesque present, but a ripple effect toward a perilous future littered with washouts, craters, and IED’s.
Mr. Obama has disgraced the post to which he was entrusted and is seemingly on a daily bent to develop new and novel ways of desecrating his office now that he no longer can, nor cares to hide his predilections. Clearly, he cannot manage, and like all poor managers, surrounds himself with toadies. He has overtly enabled radical Islamists to gain huge geopolitical advantage, insulted allies Israel, Great Britain, and Canada, surrounded himself with radical anti-American disciples steeped in the pseudo-intellectual teachings of Cloward, Piven, and Allinsky, and is in denial with respect to how his bungling and ineptitude have harmed America because in his mind and the mind of the lemmings with which he has surrounded himself, they have won. In three short years they have pushed the country they detest into a steep decline by jousting at the windmills of “fairness” and “struggle”, have championed fiscal malfeasance, apologized to the world for our country’s achievements, led by a president who would deign to publicly blow air kisses to Vladimir Putin. They have yet to deliver the matador’s estocada, though it still holds a prominent position on their “to-do list.”

Now that it has exhausted its repertoire of machinations, The Federal Reserve has been reduced to drawing pass patterns in the playground sand after Quantitative Easing, the last radical scheme in its playbook, has done little to resuscitate the corpse of this once great economy. Fed action, a cocktail party euphemism for market manipulation, has undeniably proven vital at times over the decades, but the flip side of that coin has led neophytic ideologues of this administration to harbor a belief that markets can be controlled. Markets of all types (stock, bonds, commodities, real estate) are independent forces that might react to a short term tweak, but ultimately continue to carve paths with the strength of a flooding river; they ebb and flow through natural cycles and not because of the actions of man.
The activity that led to the unnecessary bankruptcy of MF Global was based upon former Goldman Sachs CEO, former U.S. Senator, and former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine’s violation of a rudimentary securities law which prohibits the comingling of funds with customers in the event of profit OR loss, nothwithstanding the implicit “don’t steal their money, either.” What would prompt the once enormously successful and now disgraced Mr. Corzine to empty customer accounts like a cub broker with a cocaine problem?
He remains the second largest Obama campaign “bundler” in the country at a time when other people implicated in a crime of this stature would even be shunned by Bill Clinton’s White House, remanded to home confinement wearing an ankle bracelet, and awaiting trial. Yet, Corzine inexplicably remains a member of the president’s inner circle. Did the faux omniscience of this administration fog his glasses? Was he promised a quick turnaround on a misguided gamble? Was he given a wink and a nod that any loss would be covered for playing the role of this administration’s puppet-boy as it followed the delusional belief that it could prop up the avalanche of European debt with a little outside buying?
Unless Corzine is completely and utterly insane, he is some organ grinder’s monkey and I think it’s imperative we find out who’s providing the peanuts.
Is Accomodator General Eric Holder the answer? Not really. This guy enforces laws and turns a blind eye to others like a man tossing darts at a board full of balloons. Are there any young Woodwards or Bernsteins looking to make their bones with some crack investigative work? Not if they want to keep their jobs, and certainly not if their life insurance premiums aren’t paid. How about a John Dean staffer who gets a pang of conscience? There are better odds of a Middle East Peace.
Instead of being frustrated by this bleakness any longer today, I’m going to act presidential. My tee time is at 3:08.

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