Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rochester, New York: Wegmans supermarket directs customers not to use Muslim's checkout line if they have pork or alcohol

This is yet another example of the cultural and societal initiatives I wrote about at length in my 2008 book Stealth Jihad: Muslims demand special accommodation for Islamic law and practice, and reinforce the principle that wherever Islamic law and practice and American law and practice conflict, American law and practice has to give way. It also establishes special privileges for Muslims, in accord with their status in Islamic law.

"Sign at Wegmans draws attention," by Ray Levato for, March 30 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

It’s a first for Wegmans in this area. They’ve put up a sign asking customers buying pork or alcohol not to use a particular checkout line when a Muslim teenager is on duty as the cashier.

The sign went up a week ago at their Lyell Avenue store.

Wegmans says they haven’t gotten any in store complaints and Wegmans was very upfront about the cashier. They just wouldn’t allow us in the store to talk with her or customers.

Spokeswoman Jo Natale says the cashier is a teenaged girl who wears a head covering. She told her supervisor she was uncomfortable handling those items because of religious reasons. So the store manager who had experience with this type of situation outside of Rochester decided to put up a small sign whenever the girl was at the checkout counter.

It says, “If your order contains pork or alcohol product, we respectfully ask that you choose another lane.”

Wegmans also says the girl has been coached what to say if customers ask why. People News10NBC spoke with outside the Lyell Avenue Wegmans store said they were okay with it and one even knows Christians who don’t like the idea of serving alcohol.

But Christians who don’t like the idea of serving alcohol just get another job. They don't demand that their workplace change the way it does business in order to accommodate them.

Bernard Thomas said, “I feel like if they’re going to hire her and she’s got to have the job, why shouldn’t we respect her. Just go to another cashier.”

Why hire her if she won't do the job the way everyone else does it? There are no jobs in Rochester that wouldn't involve handling pork and alcohol?

Darlene Hucko said, “I would respect her beliefs and go to the next line if I had alcohol. Levato said, “You think that’s okay.” Hucko said, “I think it is okay.”...

I don't. This amounts to discrimination against non-Muslim customers -- they have one less checkout line, longer waits, etc. The civil rights movement was fought to establish equality of access to services for all Americans. This is a perversion of it.

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