Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WALL STREET INSIDER: “Obama Is Pulling The Mask Away For All The World To See”

WSI: You look almost surprised to see me young man. (winks)

UM: I…your letter…….I didn’t think we would be having these conversations anymore.

WSI: Oh, well…I was told to…to…to overcome my pride. Pride is not to be a part of this process anymore. Too close to…the…to the inevitable. But I’m not there yet. And I do feel better. I know I don’t look better to you…I can see it on your face there…but I really do feel better. I am blessed to die an old man. So many of us….so many did not have that………………..that blessing. I do get tired easily though, so please be patient with me – you always have been. I may…wander a bit. But don’t……………..there is no need to-to…….to change…..to not express those moments as they are. Does that make sense?

UM: You don’t want me to edit the lapses? The times you may “wander”? I’ve done that before for you – it’s no trouble. You don’t want me to do that?

WSI: That is correct. I cannot allow my pride to alter how I really speak to you here. I don’t wish to sound any different…any…any stronger than-than……how I really am. Pride….anger….selfishness….none of that is to be allowed. My redemption cannot allow it….and there is much I….there is much need for redemption in me. Perhaps I will overcome this condition? (Shrugs) Perhaps – but I cannot chance it. Cannot allow myself to be…overtaken by my own…pride. Do you understand my meaning?

UM: I do – and I don’t think it’s necessary we try and explain it to anyone else. Anyone who has watched someone deal with what you are facing…they’ll get it. The ones who don’t – they’ll understand someday and I don’t really care about that understanding regardless. You just talk, ok? If you get tired, we can take a break. If you wander, I’ll try and focus you – does that sound alright?

WSI: Of course it is…and thank you for your patience.

You indicated…..you wanted to ask questions? About….about some rather….conspiracies? Was that it? Conspiracies? I do know of…of things. And perhaps…perhaps am ready to share.

UM: Yeah – part of it. Yes. But I don’t want to dictate what you want to talk about. So if you have some things you want to discuss right now – you go ahead and do that. If there’s time, I can ask my questions later. This is your time more than it’s my time.

WSI: (Long pause)…………….Time.

Never enough………….All the money in this world……………..one cannot stop………………

I watched the-the……….the show. That program. Every Sunday I watch it.

UM: What program?

WSI: On the television. It was…every Sunday. In the morning. The…..the gentleman…his father….Sunday mornings. Don’t trust the others….

UM: Meet the Press? Fox News?

WSI: Yes! Of course! I watched that and saw the Obama….his campaign person? Director?

UM: Plouffe?

WSI: No-no-no….not that name. Not…he has the mustache - a name like a…like a weapon.

UM: Axelrod.

WSI: Yes! That is it? David….David Axelrod. The one -Name Deleted- cannot stand. That is it. Axelrod. Mr. Axelrod….of course. He was on the program.

UM: And?

WSI: There was a part….something he said. I knew of it. I had done it…or more accurately…….I had asked for it to be done. What he said confirmed for me it had been done. I am still….my efforts are still….I can still provide you and others with….with the…………..influence you need for-for…….for this.

I’m not ready for…I am no goset yet! I can still serve….can still assist in…in….in our cause!

UM: Of course you can. I’ve seen your work…seen what you’ve done. It’s been brilliant. The falling donations to Obama – the CEO’s speaking out against him. Even the media coverage…even that has become less favorable. At least somewhat. The refusal by Congress to drop Solyndra…I know you’ve played some part in that.

You’re gonna hang on. You’re gonna see Barack Obama defeated in 2012.

WSI: (Shrugs) Ahhh…I’ll see it. Or not. But he must be defeated, yes. To my dying breath…yes. The American Satan that he is. What he asks of Israel. How he…the…such disregard. Such….who is he to make such….to play such a game of it? To set the world on fire?

UM: Can you go back to your Axelrod comment? Then if you want you can talk about what you are saying regarding Obama and Israel – I want to hear about that as well.

WSI: Axelrod?

UM: Yeah - Fox News. Axelrod. You said it was confirmation of what you did – or asked to be done.

WSI: Oh! Yes…of course I can. Let me…it was on the program. Of course…

You wish for me to explain that? What….the program?

UM: What you had done. How Axelrod confirmed what you had done. Can you do that?

WSI: Of course I can. Yes.

…He was on the program…yesterday. That news program. He was…Mr. Axelrod…he was so supportive of the Occupy agenda. The protesting agenda. What was done last year but now…seems quite certain to be escalating. I wanted the…the…was hoping to get the…proof of that.

UM: Proof of the escalation? Of the protests?

WSI: No-no…not that exactly. More a matter of the………administration’s involvement. Of tying it in to them…making the direct link. Of making it…of having something concrete…something visual to point to. To share with others who might still……..hesitate.

UM: Hesitate? Who are you talking about?

WSI: Others… such as myself…people who don’t wish….in my case didn’t wish but now know there is no choice but to act. To…to get our hands dirty if you will. There are….there remains some who still don’t wish to believe in the dangers of Barack Obama winning a second term. The election. And…the…and another four years of the president. Of….President Obama. They don’t want to believe. They don’t…they can’t quite yet grasp……how bad it really is. Not how bad it could be……how bad it is. Right now. This very moment. Obama is pulling the mask away for all the world to see but they…the world does not yet believe their own eyes! They choose not to see the truth! Just…….it was the same. The very same thing.


UM: (Pause) ….So Axelrod confirmed…what? That the campaign is all in on Occupy this summer? -Name Deleted- already said that was the case. They were ramping it back up. Occupy, the race war, the class war – all of it.

WSI: Yes – yes…he did say that. But this weekend…yesterday on the program…I watched it. I heard it. Mr. Axelrod openly confirmed that is the intent. It’s one thing for someone to….for -Name Deleted- to say it will happen. A source…your interviews…the format you use….it’s one thing to warn of it. To accuse the administration of it………but now there was Mr. Axelrod openly embracing it. Through that preposterous “Buffet Rule” of course….Buffet? Really? Are Americans aware of how many millions Mr. Buffett has spent to avoid paying his taxes? (Shakes head) The entire notion of this “Buffet Rule” is surreal. How this administration…how Obama…how they have embraced this figure…this fabrication that is Warren Buffett. Bastardized new money trash. He has no notion of…he is being used by these people. These anti-American….these….by America’s Satan.

UM: If you can…would you please go back to David Axelrod. What you saw – it was Fox News Sunday. That was the program. Right?

WSI: Yes – that is correct. Rupert’s company. And see what they are doing to him! The global monsters of socialism! They come for him! For his family! A lifetime of work! And some might ask why I don’t reveal myself! So easy for them to say such a thing! His life threatened. The lives of his children threatened. His very freedom threatened. That is what is happening in the shadows you know. Just under the surface. They are….they are…America is the prize. So goes America……………so goes the world. If they can get to Murdoch………….

You need protection! You are next!

UM: Back to David Axelrod please. Do you need a break?

WSI: (Long pause) Apologies. So sorry. I’m not…….focusing well enough for you am I?

UM: You’re doing fine.

WSI: Axelrod? Yes – I watched him on the program the…it was yesterday.

UM: That’s right – he said something….you heard something that confirmed the Obama campaign is going…going all – in on the Occupy movement. The one that had you so concerned last year.

WSI: It was confirmed for me…yes. It……….I had asked to see proof……to have it confirmed…..yes. I can still be of service. I….do you still….can I still be a part of this? Can I still help? I have attempted to reach -Name Deleted- but….they do no….have not heard back from them. They…….you still want my help, yes?

UM: Absolutely. Remember what you said – you wanna see Obama defeated. You are going to see him lose the election. You made that promise to me. You strike me as a person of your word – so that’s what you’re gonna do, right?

WSI: (Pause) I do hope so.

UM: What did David Axelrod say during his interview on Fox News? Tying them to Occupy via the Buffet Rule?

WSI: They were discussing….the young gentleman…his father just passed recently. The other one. The other…he was a news man as well.

UM: Wallace – Mike Wallace. His son…Chris Wallace on Fox News….

WSI: Yes – that….yes. The son of Mike Wallace. I watched him for so many years! What a wonderful career! So remarkable how…so quickly time has gone….

UM: (Interrupts) —So Chris Wallace is interviewing David Axelrod…

WSI: Yes….on the program. I watched it….it was yesterday. And I had…well….a request was made. I wanted confirmation of course. I…I…told you that already, yes?

UM: That’s right – confirmation. Something Axelrod said….you wanted to get it….get it on record? I believe that term would work.

WSI: Yes! Yes! On the record! To show others proof of….of what they intend. How dangerous….how…how the…this year of the voting….the election….how important this time…(very long pause)

….how we cannot sit this one out. We cannot….we cannot believe ourselves to be…..above it all.

(Hold up hands) We must get….this is no time for clean hands. This is….I told you this before….this is war.

UM: And what did Axelrod say to give you that on the record moment?

WSI: The term – I had used it….Had requested it be used and it was! That….to pose that question! Because it linked to the before the war. To the principles of Nazism. The two concepts were linked then…we know of this. We have studied it…..perhaps not the bastardized version that….that liberals use in this country. But….enough of us…the truly faithful….we know. (Points finger upward) WE KNOW. WE KNOW.

UM: Know what?

WSI: The term that was used was…that… “Social Darwinism.” Barack Obama used that term recently in accusation against the….that budget proposal. The….what….his name is….the young gentleman? The….he was with Mitt Romney. They were…they stood together.

UM: Paul Ryan – the Ryan budget proposal. To curb deficit spending. To cut the size of the federal government?

WSI: There – yes. You are correct. Paul Ryan. I like him. Appears quite bright. A good Senator.

UM: He’s a Congressman – Paul Ryan.

WSI: That is…yes. He’s a fine Congressman. I like him. Bright young man…


UM: So Axelrod used the term Social Darwinism….that was some kind of….proof for you? A signal? For you? For…for others?

WSI: That was the set up. It had been requested that the discussion go there. And they did it! I watched it! The very question was asked of him!

UM: By you? You requested it of…Chris Wallace? Fox News?

WSI: Not…I have told you of the influence of…the…that of….

…let me begin this again. I apologize.

…………I have told you of the influence of advertising revenues on networks, publications………I recall having told you that. The true…I would call it the true Wag the Dog of…of our modern society.

UM: Yes – I recall you mentioning that before.

WSI: So…those sources were utilized in this particular….this situation. For this….the plan was in place. If Axelrod was to be interviewed….it had to be Fox News. I do not trust the others. And Murdoch…he is fearful but remains…an ally in this. In his own way. But it is the revenue stream that provides the force by which we can………..we are able to exert some measure of…….force. We can shape the-the….the words. The…..we can shape the dialogue.

UM: So you wanted a discussion on Social Darwinism?

WSI: No…not that…it was…that was to be the code…a….a signal if you will.

UM: To those others….the ones you say are not quite yet ready to admit…or to see just how dangerous the Obama administration has become?

WSI: Yes….in part. Obama is but…he is a pawn in all of this. Our first discussion we had…you remember that? I told you of that, didn’t I? I have done much….not myself mind you. But resources have been utilized…information gathered….this is a global crisis. Barack Obama’s election in 2008…it was….it was itself a signal. Now those forces are moving…..and so quickly. I was like those others I am now trying to convince…terribly ignorant of….of all of it. Ignorant. Arrogant. Much like -Name Deleted-…they shared something similar to you. Their own…a crisis of faith. A…revelation…the truth.

….My hands were clean you see. Or so….so I thought. Perhaps on some level I knew better….and of course now I understand. Now I know.

….These hands were never clean.

UM: Can you talk more about what Axelrod said? Please focus on that.

WSI: Yes…he was speaking on social Darwinism. Accusing Republicans…of the young…Mr. Ryan’s budget of being a tool of that very thing. The words were placed in Obama’s mouth…he spoke them….but he did not originate them.

….And it was then tied into the Buffet Rule….that blatant lie being….being spread by the radicals. A higher tax on the wealthy that will somehow help to balance the budget? A few billion dollars raised in the face of….how many TRILLIONS being manufactured by this administration and others around the world? That tax has nothing to do with assisting the budget deficit! It is merely…the platform…the vehicle if you will….for what….the….the protests. That movement again. But this time….the proximity to the election. This time….it will be far-far worse.

…The unions are orchestrating all of that…much of it….what is coming. The summer months….Axelrod confirmed it for us on that program.

…Mr. Axelrod did not run away from that term…Social Darwinism. He embraced its use. He then…he added…he came out again with those bellwether terms of “fairness” and…the…his threats to those with disabilities and the old.

UM: How does – what specifically are you talking about regarding what David Axelrod said that was a signal to others? I am not quite understanding your meaning there.

WSI: It’s right there! Right there! You don’t see it? The Buffet….that tax raising…it doesn’t raise anything! At least nothing that compares to what the Obama White House is spending. They are openly lying to everyone! To take money from those few wealthy….you could not sustain the federal government for more than…it was told to me it would be approximately twenty minutes. Twenty minutes! So what then….what is the purpose of all of this? Why push for this? It’s about…it ties in with the primary motivation….no…that is not the correct term….the – the…re-election plan. They are….this is so far beyond Barack Obama. He is simply the tool – he is not the hand who now wields that tool! He never…never has been.

…The Obama administration…their own budget was….it was ignored. By everyone. There is no serious attempt to curb government spending. NONE. Just…it’s just the….the direction is…just the opposite. They are accelerating the deficit. In conjunction with the FED, the false paper….the trillions in false paper now being produced….continues to be produced….while figures such as this Axelrod….this Mr. Axelrod….he lies. Over and over and over again. He fabricates. His propaganda is….it is everywhere now. He is Goebbels. Everything is being promised by this administration. They make promises to the American people. You will get all of this – and pay nothing. Everything is being promised to the Muslim Brotherhood….you will get this – and you pay nothing. Everything is being promised to nations such as Russia…you will get this – and pay nothing. The IMF…World Bank…United Nations…those things are also being promised….to others…by others.

…And so…that subject….that term….Social Darwinism. It was placed in Barack Obama’s mouth. It was repeated on that program again by David Axelrod. The subject brought up…as requested….and they….they were kind enough to comply. Watch the….that program. Watch it! If you have not done so….if you have….watch it again! He lies. He lies. He lies. The president DID say it would….that the Buffet tax would stabilize the deficit. He said it! And this Axelrod…he lies. Again and again and again. While using that term of Social Darwinism. While once again using fear and division to gain support from the voting public who they are convinced….they believe….that this voting public is so stupid and selfish to believe the lies. These people…these Obama people…all of them…the….the higher ranking ones….they despise the American public. Jarrett….-Name Deleted- spoke of her often, yes? I knew little of her…but I now know plenty. She…her machinations with the Muslim Brotherhood…her vile hatred of Israel….her condemnation of the Prime Minister! She is the snake in the garden who whispers into the ear of this president. A vile, reptilian….that woman….her hatred of the Jews, of White America…of corporations she cannot yet control….of women who choose conservatism over liberalism…

UM: Hold up…sorry to interrupt but…we can…I want to definitely come back to your views on Valerie Jarrett. I don’t believe you have mentioned her to me before – you indicated you had done some research. I definitely want to talk to you about that. But…sorry if I’m not quite grasping it – your focus on David Axelrod and his use of the term Social Darwinism. Why is that….why has that upset you so much?

WSI: You are an educated man, yes?

UM: I like to think so.

WSI: And yet you don’t….you don’t…the subject of Social Darwinism….Nazi Germany….extermination of the Jews…monetary de-valuation…centralized government…you are not aware of the implications?

UM: Somewhat…in very general terms. If that…though I’m not entirely clear where you are leading me here…

WSI: Damn you.

UM: What?

WSI: Damn you and everyone like you….that is not…I don’t say that to condemn you…apologies… I say that….how that history has been….it is forgotten! It….all of the warnings. They are there to see….all of it. You are so fond of….what is the term you use? “Connect the dots”, yes?

UM: Yeah – connecting the dots. Linking how one event or individual ties into others to make the bigger picture.

WSI: So….why do you fail to connect the dots here? The very essence….the very plan….the Goddamn roadmap of where these people intend to take us! Why have you not….Why? Just a bit of effort? You still don’t see what is there! You still…you still won’t truly take that walk will you? And if you are unwilling…then…then…who? If you cannot see….who can? What…is this all lost? Is this…is…Social Darwinism…Nazism…collapsing valuation…fear…division…and centralized control of course…purging of those who prove unwilling…political purging…military purging….it’s all there. Right in front of you…all of it…

(whispering)…………..damn you.

UM: I don’t understand.

WSI: (Long pause) ……………………That’s just it, isn’t it?

UM: What?

WSI: Go. Please….just….please just go.

UM: We’re done?

WSI: Yes….we’re done.

UM: Can…we can pick this up again? Soon?

WSI: I don’t know. Perhaps.

…….perhaps not.

(Long silence)

WSI: Can you….at this time….can you do me this one favor? To convince me….to….to show me that all is not lost?

UM: Yeah – absolutely. If it mean we can continue this discussion…yes. What is it?

WSI: Open your eyes young man. And for the love of God…do your due diligence.

Do your homework.


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